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Bermuda Triangle By: Laurna Wolbeck Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

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2 Bermuda Triangle By: Laurna Wolbeck Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

3 Describe enigma A place where planes and ships suddenly disappear

4 theory A persons theory was that it is real and who ever goes in they can never come out and go back home. The military's theory is that it is not real and It its all made up.

5 How long have people known about it People have known about since 1945 And no one knows who discovered it but scientist say that Christopher Columbus discovered it but sall something funny about it and staid away from it.

6 Scientist found about the enigma that there are whirl pools in the middle of the ocean and that’s how people mite die And they mite just run out of fuel and crash

7 Agree to disagree Some scientist agree to disagree like about where it is or how it all started One scientist mite have one theory and the other has another theory

8 Controversies or dilemmas That a scientist think that some one else discovered but another said no one discovered it

9 Changing over time People have learned more about it and understand it more And they can find out more

10 Interesting facts The Bermuda triangle is located in the middle of the ocean Any body who goes in they wont come back (scientist say) Maybe something attacked the ships like a octopus The bermunia triangle connects portico,bermunia and Florida It makes a triangle when you put it together

11 My theory I think how the Bermuda triangle is formed by a bunch of whirl pools combined and that’s how people died

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