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September 2004VeriFone Confidential1 A Success Story from Greece Panos Halkias Sales Director Printec Group

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1 September 2004VeriFone Confidential1 A Success Story from Greece Panos Halkias Sales Director Printec Group

2 About Printec Group

3 September 2004VeriFone Confidential3 Printec History & Evolution  1988: Establishment of Printec Greece  1992: Establishment of Printec Bulgaria  1995: Establishment of Printec Cyprus  1999: Acquisition of NCR’s business entities & operations in Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia and Romania; NCR distribution rights for the Balkans  2002: Establishment in Serbia, (Printec representative office)  2004: Establishment of Printec Bosnia and Printec Serbia.  2005: Establishment of Printec Albania

4 September 2004VeriFone Confidential4 Market Footprint  Printec Branches  Printec Partners

5 September 2004VeriFone Confidential5 Group Human Resources  340 Employees – January 2006

6 September 2004VeriFone Confidential6 Group Financial Data (in million Euro) Annual Turnover 1997-2005

7 September 2004VeriFone Confidential7 Group Products & Solutions  Transaction Automation E-payment Systems Branch Automation Banking Software Card Applications  Integrated IT Solutions  Secure Document Printing Solutions

8 September 2004VeriFone Confidential8 Transaction Automation – Partners Chip Vendor Program Member Chip Consultancy Update Program Member

9 September 2004VeriFone Confidential9 A long history with Verifone  Printec has been one of the first VFI partners in the region, more than 15 years relationship  Have been through good times (Tranz 460) and bad times (HP) together  After 2000, we expanded cooperation to all Balkan markets and built a strong market share together

10 September 2004VeriFone Confidential10 Verifone & Printec  Today, together, we are the undisputed market leader in our region, increasing our market share every year, although Eastern Europe is a key emerging market where everyone focuses  Indicative data: 65%+ market share in Greece (120.000+ terminals) 85%+ market share in Bulgaria (20.000+ terminals ) 90%+ market share in Cyprus (15.000+ terminals) 50%+ market share in Romania (20.000 + terminals)  Several successful launches of new products: 3750 Vx510 Vx610 etc

11 go Latest success story: National Bank of Greece “ go National” project

12 September 2004VeriFone Confidential12 The customer  National Bank of Greece is the largest bank in Greece  Network of 750 branches  Leading bank in card issuing and card acquiring  Strong presence in Eastern Europe countries  Recently announced the acquisition of Finansbank in Turkey, for a reported 4.5 bill. Euro amount  Good Printec customer for many years, however the bank has traditionally been on a dual vendor policy regarding POS terminals (Verifone and Axalto)

13 September 2004VeriFone Confidential13 The environment  Greek acquiring and issuing markets are mature. Issuing keeps growing, acquiring is relatively stable in number of locations  Multiple terminals and acquiring banks per merchant  Merchant fee wars  Cardholder fee wars Subscription-free cards 6 month 0% interest for balance transfers card to card  Decrease in revenue per cardholder and per merchant, leading banks to attempt portfolio expansion by acquiring riskier segments of the market  Uniformity of card products offered to the market among banks

14 September 2004VeriFone Confidential14 The requirement  NBG wanted to strongly differentiate their offering to merchants and cardholders, by: Making payment experience more rewarding for the cardholder Providing a benefit for the cardholder to use NBG cards instead of other banks’ cards Create alliances with key merchants based on card products  NBG needed a global, reliable, tested multi merchant loyalty platform, combining: Capability to be deployed on multiple terminal types Capability to be deployed on multiple smart card types Approval and acceptance from VISA and MC  Launch of the new platform would be combined with EMV migration (issuing and acquiring) and new card brand creation  Due to competitive pressure, NBG was looking for the quickest possible overall implementation time

15 September 2004VeriFone Confidential15 go The “ go National” project  After reviewing several solutions in the marketplace, NBG decided to use the Welcome RT XLS loyalty platform  Project assigned to Printec as WRT distributor for the region, in July 2005  WRT XLS was only part of the overall project, which included: EMV migration of NBG terminals, including testing with Int’l organizations EMV issuing, including purchase of the cards and creation of an entire new card range and brand Selective re-terminalization, including purchase of new terminals XLS deployment Dec. 15 2005!!  Kick off August 2005, targeted launch date Dec. 15 2005!!

16 September 2004VeriFone Confidential16 go The “ go National” project Printec has provided to NBG:  The Welcome RT XLS platform  Vx510 terminals, application development on Vx510, including latest EMV application and XLS loyalty applet, as well as tailor made customizations  GemShare cards from GemPlus  Installation and project management services  Consulting services on: Card design and perso preparation Loyalty system launch and promotional strategy Merchant sales & placement strategy Back office design and operation

17 September 2004VeriFone Confidential17 go The “ go National” project  The project was finished on-time.  4 months deployment for all components of the project. Fastest WRT XLS deployment ever  Already 250.000 new cards in the market with the “go” brand  134 merchant chains already enrolled in the program

18 September 2004VeriFone Confidential18 What made the difference? A. Printec  Several teams working 24/7 for weeks  Extreme SW capabilities  Field services for placement, training and support  Project management  Gained the trust of the top management by providing reliable input in their strategy design

19 September 2004VeriFone Confidential19 What made the difference? B. Verifone  Verix and Vx environment capabilities, and especially VMAC, allowed for quick integration of the loyalty applet and the EMV payment application  Screen capabilities and ATM keys made merchant training easier  Vx coupled with Printec Terminal Management System allows extreme flexibility in remotely managing and updating the terminal and the merchant campaigns  Axalto still has not finished integration of XLS on their terminals, meaning that at the moment NBG is only deploying VFI terminals!

20 September 2004VeriFone Confidential20 go The “ go National” project – The Future  Bank will continue deploying terminals, VFI being their preferred platform  We will soon attach VFI skins to the terminals to increase brand awareness  Planning to launch Mx870 as card synchronization station and cardholder info- point inside bank branches and major retailers  Planning to start using other Vx terminals (610, 670)  Other initiatives to follow: Deployment on ATMs Deployment of Bill Pay Machines etc

21 September 2004VeriFone Confidential21

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