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Agenda Welcome EPA/ORD Water Clusters (Sally Gutiérrez) Region 4 Water. (EPA Region 4) H2O Tech (Gary Keller) H2O Tech Development Plan (Deocampo & Keller)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Welcome EPA/ORD Water Clusters (Sally Gutiérrez) Region 4 Water. (EPA Region 4) H2O Tech (Gary Keller) H2O Tech Development Plan (Deocampo & Keller)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Welcome EPA/ORD Water Clusters (Sally Gutiérrez) Region 4 Water. (EPA Region 4) H2O Tech (Gary Keller) H2O Tech Development Plan (Deocampo & Keller)

2 Existing EPA Clusters


4 History of H2O Tech Mission: To create collaborative environmental solutions based on innovation. Expand technology-led economic development at GSU and in Atlanta. Guidance by Sally Gutiérrez, EPA Office of Research and Development. Developing contacts & affiliations: EPA CDC Governor Nathan Deal WIPO-GREEN USDOC U.S. Senator Isakson Microsoft Legislators GA DPH GA D.Econ.Dev GA Bio

5 STAKEHOLDER CLASSES Industry Public Utilities Academic Researchers Emerging Enterprise Federal Agencies State Agencies Non-Profits Champions Community NGO’s, citizens

6 Milestones/Timeline MilestoneNotes Team Formation Rollout & 1 st Annual Stakeholders Meeting September 11, 2015 (tentative) H2O Tech Non-Profit Incorporation Fall, 2015 Build MembershipSpring, 2016 Year 1: Four Funding Initiatives Workforce Development Infrastructure Commercialization Collaborative Initiatives Initial Environmental Company Startups Testing Innovations

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