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Library Workshop for BA(CEE) Students Sept 2010 HKIEd Library 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Library Workshop for BA(CEE) Students Sept 2010 HKIEd Library 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library Workshop for BA(CEE) Students Sept 2010 HKIEd Library 1

2 Outline Basics and Overview Citation Linker – accessing e-journal articles directly Database in Focus – ERIC on EBSCOhost About RefWorks Another Educational Resource Example – ProQuest Education Journals Google Scholar – Using EdLINK to Access HKIEd Full Text Resources 2

3 HKIEd Library Website HKIEd Library Website Search for books, journals, media resources 3

4 E-Journals Search by Keywords Browse by Subject or Title Citation Linker 4

5 How the Citation Linker works? Is this article available in the Library? Sadler, P. M. & Good, E. (2006). The impact of self- and peer-grading on student learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31. doi:10.1207/s15326977ea1101_1 Use Citation Linker to check availability of journal article 5

6 How the Citation Linker works? Input as much essential information as you know: journal title, year, volume, issue and start page Click on any link to access full text Direct link to the e-journal article 6

7 Try it yourself Use the Citation Linker to check if these articles are available in the Library Odafe, V. U. (2006). Oral examination in college mathematics: An alternative assessment technique. PRIMUS, 16(3), 243-256. doi:10.1080/10511970608984149 Jonsson, A, Baartman, L. K. J., & Lennung, S. A. (2009). Estimating the quality of performance assessments: The case of an ‘interactive examination’ for teacher competencies. Learning Environments Research, 12(3), 225-241. doi:10.1007/s10984-009-9061-z 7

8 E-Resources Include E-Databases & E-Book Collections Search by Keywords Browse by Subject or Title 8

9 E-Resources by Subject – E.g. Education 9

10 Major Education Databases ERIC (via EBSCOhost) Education Research Complete ProQuest Education Journals Education Full Text 10

11 11 Other Relevant Databases for BA(CEE) Students Academic Research Library (ProQuest) Academic Search Premier (EBSCOHost) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Humanities Full Text JSOTR. Arts & Sciences Collection PsycINFO / PsycArticles Web of Science (Arts & Humanities Citation Index / Social Sciences Citation Index) Web of Science (Arts & Humanities Citation Index / Social Sciences Citation Index) SCOPUS Literature Online (LION) Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) MLA International Bibliography

12 Major Local / Chinese Databases Dissertations and Theses Collection (DTC) 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS 中文電子學位論文服務 CETD 中文電子學位論文服務 CETD 中國知網 中國期刊全文數據庫 中國優 秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 中國優 秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 中國學位論文全文 數據庫 中國學位論文全文 數據庫 華人社會教育文獻資源中心 Chinese ERIC (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 華人社會教育文獻資源中心 Chinese ERIC (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 香港中文期刊論 文索引 HKInChiP 香港中文期刊論 文索引 HKInChiP 12

13 13 Database in Focus – ERIC

14 Find ERIC by Browsing "E" (or browse by education subject; or search ERIC) 14

15 Access to ERIC database Enter keywords Limit your search Search Results 15

16 Example Your research topic: Using web-based portfolio assessment in secondary education Identify the Keywords: Second language learning AND goal setting Use indexes / thesaurus / descriptors to check related terms where necessary. How many records retrieved? 16

17 Example Check Library’s holdings Full Text available 17

18 Searching tips: Expand your search  Use “expanders” from the database search screen to expand your search  Use Boolean operator “OR” to include more search terms e.g. Second language learning or english as second language or esl  Use truncation (*) to expand your search term in alternative way e.g. learn* to search for learning, learns, learner, etc. 18

19 Searching tips: Narrow your search  Use “Limiter” from the database search screen to limit your search results in various way  Consider the suggested “Narrow Search Results by Subject” from the search result screen  Use Boolean operator “AND” to limit search results to a narrower scene e.g. peer assessment AND higher education 19

20 ERIC EBSCOHost – Refine your results by Subjects, Peer-reviewed Journals, Year, etc. 20

21 Reduced from over 300 results to 48 by selecting peer reviewed and 2000 and after 21

22 22 ERIC EBSCOHost Special Features – Find Similar Results (SmartText Searching)

23 23

24 24

25 Try it yourself Topic: code switching in Hong Kong Suggested keywords: Code switching and Hong Kong How many records retrieved? Limit your search to full text articles How many full text articles available? Try Find Similar Results (SmartText Searching) 25

26 26 Searching Multiple Databases in Ebscohost

27 27 Add to Folder: Save / Print / Email / Export

28 28 Add to Folder: Save / Print / Email / Export

29 29

30 We can export the results directly to RefWorks 30

31 31

32 32 About RefWorks Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Create your own reference databases Create your own reference databases Import references from library catalogues & databases Import references from library catalogues & databases Manage & organize your references in folders Manage & organize your references in folders Search your references Search your references Adding your own keywords & comments Adding your own keywords & comments Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style Accessible by computers connected to Internet Accessible by computers connected to Internet

33 Accessing RefWorks 33

34 34 Can also Directly Export Library Catalogue Records to RefWorks

35 How to Import References from Library E-resources 35

36 How to Import References from Library E-resources 36

37 Another Education Resources: ProQuest Education Journals 37

38 ProQuest Education Journals 38

39 39

40 E.g. search small class education Suggested Topics  Class size AND Academic achievement 40

41 41

42 We can also Email, Print, Save, Export, etc. 42

43 43

44 Google Scholar Google Scholar allows you to search only the more "academic" / "scholarly" contents of Google – books, journal articles, conference papers, public domain research databases with options suited for academic purposes not offered in standard Google like: Search by Article Title / Author / Journal Title Limit by Publication Years / Subject Areas Citation Searches, Related Articles Linking to HKIEd Library-Subscribed Online Resources by EdLink Direct Export to RefWorks 44

45 Google Scholar To look for a specific article, simply enter the article title. If the article title is very general and it does not show up immediately, enclose the article title with double quotes, add the author's name and / or journal title / publication year E.g. Crisp, Victoria (2008) "Exploring the nature of examiner thinking during the process of examination marking". Cambridge Journal of Education. 38(2):247 - 264.Exploring the nature of examiner thinking during the process of examination marking 45

46 Scholar Preferences 46

47 For computers on campus: EdLINK@HKIEd is activated by default. For computers off campus: search “hong kong” at “Library Links” and activate EdLINK; then Save Preferences 47

48 You can also choose to export the citation to RefWorks or EndNote 48

49 Import into RefWorks 49

50 Advanced Scholar Search 50

51 Advanced Scholar Search Options 51

52 To Search by Article Title Where my words occur: Anywhere in the article In the title of the article 52

53 Google Scholar Author Search (author:) – use the surname and initial of the given name and / or Christian name E.g. citizenship education author:"ja banks"citizenship education author:"ja banks" Journal / publication title search E.g. citizenship education (publication = moral education)citizenship education Dates (year) – can be a specific year or a range of years E.g. citizenship education (year: 2005 – 2007) citizenship education 53

54 Google Scholar Cited by … 54

55 Google Scholar: Related Articles 55

56 56 Thank You! Q&A Ask your Librarian @ Information Counter Tel: 2948 6653 Email:

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