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BizWorld Part A: Design Session One: Pre-Assessment.

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1 BizWorld Part A: Design Session One: Pre-Assessment

2 Objectives Assess prior knowledge as it relates to business and the business world Assess prior knowledge as it relates to business and the business world

3 What is BizWorld? BizWorld is a simulated business activity in which students are divided into teams. Each team will form its own friendship bracelet company. BizWorld is a simulated business activity in which students are divided into teams. Each team will form its own friendship bracelet company. Just like in the real business world, each company will have to design, manufacture, market, and sell their bracelets (products) to make the most money (revenue) possible. Just like in the real business world, each company will have to design, manufacture, market, and sell their bracelets (products) to make the most money (revenue) possible. In the end the company with the highest team value, defined as the total value of employee-owned shares of stock, will be recognized. In the end the company with the highest team value, defined as the total value of employee-owned shares of stock, will be recognized.

4 Pre-Assessment: Biz Quiz A Answer Cards Answer Cards Write your name on the card Write your name on the card Mark the number given to you by Ms. Tompkins on the card Mark the number given to you by Ms. Tompkins on the card Fill in the information at the top of the assessment Fill in the information at the top of the assessment

5 Answer all questions on the assessment sheet before marking them on the scan sheet!! Please take the assessment seriously. Read each question carefully and select the best answer. You may not know the answer to some of the questions, but give it your best shot. You have 20 minutes to complete the assessment.

6 BizWorld Memo Complete Memo 1 in your Student Packet Complete Memo 1 in your Student Packet We will discuss your answers when you finish We will discuss your answers when you finish You have 10 minutes You have 10 minutes

7 Memo 1 Discussion What is a business? What is a business? –A sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation that creates product or service –The occupation, work or trade in which a person is engaged –A commercial enterprise or establishment

8 Examples of Businesses List 5 types of businesses. List 5 types of businesses. –Hardware store –Restaurant –Doctor’s office –Farming –Internet search –University –Etc.

9 Business Success What is the measure of a successful business? What is the measure of a successful business? –Make money (profit) –Creation of jobs –Benefits the community (brings money into the community, products or services) –Etc.

10 Parent Letter A copy of the parent letter should be in your folder you will take home this afternoon. A copy of the parent letter should be in your folder you will take home this afternoon. Be sure you have it signed by your parent and return the bottom portion to me. Be sure you have it signed by your parent and return the bottom portion to me. Each student will receive $1 BizBuck (BB) for returning it signed. You will not be given the BB if you lose the original copy. Each student will receive $1 BizBuck (BB) for returning it signed. You will not be given the BB if you lose the original copy.

11 Student Packets Write your first and last name on your Student Packet Write your first and last name on your Student Packet It is your responsibility to be sure your student packet is on the self with your Socratic Scholars/Math Scholars folder before you leave each day. It is your responsibility to be sure your student packet is on the self with your Socratic Scholars/Math Scholars folder before you leave each day.

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