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LINKEDIN TO PROFESSIONAL SELF- PRESENTATION Folayemi Akinbolaji Writing with New Media.

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Presentation on theme: "LINKEDIN TO PROFESSIONAL SELF- PRESENTATION Folayemi Akinbolaji Writing with New Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 LINKEDIN TO PROFESSIONAL SELF- PRESENTATION Folayemi Akinbolaji Writing with New Media

2 PROGRESS THUS FAR... This weekend I specifically focused on my summary so that it illustrates my goals and aspirations and what direction I want my future to go in. When deciding on what I wanted to include in my summary I asked myself 3 important questions: 1. Who is my audience? 2. What do I want them to know about me? 3. How do you want them to feel about me?

3 EXPERIENCES OR LACK THEREOF... Because I do not have a lot of experience with working in a hospital or clinic or with a doctor, I made up for that in the volunteer experiences that I do have. Future employers are eager to look at volunteer work if there is not much experience involved in what your goal is for your future. However, I make it clear in my summary that I am working towards gaining experience in the medical field.

4 LOOKING FORWARD...  Looking ahead towards the future of my project, I have began to draft the content that I will feature in my e-magazine which include using an effective profile picture, joining the right groups and staying connected to those groups as well as the connections one makes within the LinkedIn community.  My e-portfolio will serve as an alternative site for students who feel LinkedIn may be a bit too much for them and want to showcase their academic history within their portfolio while still maintaining a professional presence online.  LucidPress serves as the software I am using to create my e- magazine and my hope is by the end of the next check-in I will have all the content I need to produce a successful e-magazine. Photos which I intend to use all of my own will be the last focus of my project to incorporate into the e-magazine.


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