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The IEEE Standards Association Dr. George Arnold President, IEEE Standards Association 14 July 2008 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-XXXX-nn FOR:Information SOURCE:IEEE.

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Presentation on theme: "The IEEE Standards Association Dr. George Arnold President, IEEE Standards Association 14 July 2008 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-XXXX-nn FOR:Information SOURCE:IEEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IEEE Standards Association Dr. George Arnold President, IEEE Standards Association 14 July 2008 DOCUMENT #:GSC13-XXXX-nn FOR:Information SOURCE:IEEE AGENDA ITEM: CONTACT(S):George Arnold, Bilel Jamoussi Submission Date: Month Day, 2008

2 2 IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society, with over 376,000 members in over 160 countries, grouped into geographic and technical areas reflecting where members live and work. There are 44 technical societies and councils which represent the wide range of technical interests in the IEEE. IEEE holds more than 500 international conferences annually and publishes over 30% of the world’s literature in its fields. There are more than 1.7 million documents in the IEEE/IET Electronic Library, including more than 900 active industry standards and nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development. IEEE has been developing standards for 115+ years. IEEE standards reflect the standardization principles as stated by the WTO, and the IEEE-SA has a leading contemporary intellectual property policy. It encourages its membership to participate in standardization activities, for the benefit of their industries and the public good. IEEE’s technical professionals work in a global marketplace where national boundaries are often a secondary issue. In fields where IEEE work has already been done, it encourages international and regional standards bodies to consider using IEEE standards as the source of technical information. It has been a long standing IEEE policy to harmonize work with other SDOs when possible to eliminate duplication of effort and speed the development of international standards. IEEE is a sector member of ITU-T, -R, and –D; collaborates with IEC under a dual-logo agreement; and collaborates with ISO under a Partner Standards Development Organization agreement. A review of the high-interest areas of GSC-13 indicate a large amount (66%) of common areas with IEEE. The following slides provide detail. Executive Summary

3 3 IEEE Standards Work with common interest to the GSC – 13 High Interest Areas

4 4 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 01 Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization IEEE 802.16 incorporated as 6 th terrestrial air interface for ITU IMT-2000 Res 17 Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas Continuing amendment activity for IEEE 802.16 “Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems” P802.20, “Standard Air Interface for Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Supporting Vehicular Mobility” Broadband over power-line standards (P1675 hardware, P1901 MAC PHY, P1775 EMC requirements) Res 21 IP over Broadband Accesses in Support of Convergence IEEE 802, e.g., 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.20, 802.22

5 5 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 02 Emergency Communications P1512 series ongoing “Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers” P802.11u on interworking with external networks includes emergency communications Res 03 Network Aspects of Identification Systems P1902.1 “Standard for Long Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol” (RuBee) P1451 series for sensor networks especially 1451.7 RFID/Sensor 802 series especially 802.11 and 802.15 for ubiquitous sensor networks

6 6 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 06 Healthcare ICT Standards P11073 series for personal health device communication P11073 series for point-of-care medical device communication (some projects in joint development with ISO TC 215) P2407 “Standard for an Architecture Framework and Reference Model for Personalized Health Informatics” P1708 “Standard for Wearable Cuffless Blood Pressure Measuring Devices”

7 7 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 10 GSC ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) Task Force Continuing P1512 series activities (see emergency communications) Published IEEE1609 series, “Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)” Published IEEE 1616-2004, “IEEE Standard for Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR)” Rail Transportation P1473 “Standard for Communications Protocol Aboard Passenger Trains” (Revision) P1482 “Standard for Rail Vehicle Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems” P1544 “Standard for Transit Communications Interface Profiles (TCIP) for Railcar Basic Operating Unit Interoperability”

8 8 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 11 Software Defined Radio P802.22 series for cognitive wireless RAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: policies and procedures for operation in the TV bands P1900 series under SCC 41, Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, including terminology, analysis of interference and coexistence, spectrum access, architectural building blocks for distributed device decision making

9 9 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 14 measurement methodologies for assessing human exposure to RF energy Res 15 measurement methodologies, associated measurement uncertainty and calibration IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) C95 series e.g., C95.1-2005 “Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz” PC95.3.1 “Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computation of Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 0 - 100 kHz” P1528 series, “Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)” ASC on Electromagnetic Compatibility –C63 series

10 10 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Res 19 Cyber Security P1619 series, “Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices ” P1667 (revision), “Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices” P1700, “Standard for Information System Security Assurance Architecture (ISSAA)” P2200, “Standard for Baseline Operating Systems Security™ (BOSS TM ) P2600 series, “Standard for Information Technology: Hardcopy Device and System Security” Res 20 Home Networking P1901, “Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications” IEEE 802 series

11 11 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization IEEE 802.16 incorporated as 6 th terrestrial air interface for ITU IMT-2000 Emergency Communications IEEE 1512 series “Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers” P802.11u on interworking with external networks includes emergency communications

12 12 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Healthcare ICT Standards P11073 series for personal health device communication IEEE11073 series for point-of-care medical device communication (some projects in joint development with ISO TC 215) P2407 “Standard for an Architecture Framework and Reference Model for Personalized Health Informatics” P1708 “Standard for Wearable Cuffless Blood Pressure Measuring Devices”

13 13 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Intelligent Transportation Systems Continuing IEEE 1512 series activities (see emergency communications) Published IEEE1609 series, “Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE)” Published IEEE 1616-2004, “IEEE Standard for Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR)” Rail Transportation P1473 “Standard for Communications Protocol Aboard Passenger Trains” (Revision) P1482 “Standard for Rail Vehicle Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems” P1544 “Standard for Transit Communications Interface Profiles (TCIP) for Railcar Basic Operating Unit Interoperability”

14 14 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects IP over Broadband Access in Support of Convergence IEEE 802, e.g., 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.20, 802.22 Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking IEEE 802.11 series IEEE 802.15.1 series for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), part of [Bluetooth] IEEE 802.15.3 series for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) IEEE 802.15.4 series for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) [Zigbee] Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast IEEE 802.16 series including IEEE 802.16e for Air Interface for Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems P802.20, “Standard Air Interface for Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems Supporting Vehicular Mobility” NGN – General P1903 “Standard for a Next Generation Service Overlay Network”

15 15 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects ICT and the Environment IEEE1680-2006 “IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, including Laptop Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers, and Personal Computer Monitors” and projects IEEE P1680, IEEE P1680.1 ICT Management and Operations IEEE P1723 “Standard for SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) Solution Reference Architecture”

16 16 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Cybersecurity P1619 series, “Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices ” P1667 (revision), “Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices” P1700, “Standard for Information System Security Assurance Architecture (ISSAA)” P2200, “Standard for Baseline Operating Systems Security™ (BOSS TM ) P2600 series, “Standard for Information Technology: Hardcopy Device and System Security” Home Networking P1901, “Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications” IEEE 802 series

17 17 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 High-Interest Subjects Reconfigurable Radio Systems P802.22 series for cognitive wireless RAN medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: policies and procedures for operation in the TV bands P1900 series under SCC 41, Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, including terminology, analysis of interference and coexistence, spectrum access, architectural building blocks for distributed device decision making

18 18 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 Information Sharing Subjects Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and RF Identification Devices (RFID) P1902.1 “Standard for Long Wavelength Wireless Network Protocol” (RuBee) P1451 series for sensor networks especially 1451.7 RFID/Sensor 802 series especially 802.11 and 802.15 for ubiquitous sensor networks

19 19 IEEE Standards: GSC-13 Information Sharing Subjects –RF exposure –Measurement uncertainties IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) C95 series e.g., –C95.1-2005 “Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz” –PC95.3.1 “Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computation of Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 0 - 100 kHz” IEEE 1528 series, “Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)” ASC on Electromagnetic Compatibility –C63 series

20 20 Summary

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