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Homework N-5 due tomorrow. Aim #7: What were the goals of Prussian Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck? Do Now: Whose contributions were most significant in.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework N-5 due tomorrow. Aim #7: What were the goals of Prussian Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck? Do Now: Whose contributions were most significant in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework N-5 due tomorrow

2 Aim #7: What were the goals of Prussian Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck? Do Now: Whose contributions were most significant in making Italian unification a reality: – Mazzini (“the soul”) – Cavour (“the brain”) – Garibaldi (“the sword”)

3 Activity Read the passage on today’s note sheet and answer the three questions ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER.

4 1. Why was it difficult to create a unified, national German state? A.Congress of Vienna (1815) had created the German Confederation = loose grouping of 39 German states dominated by Austria. B.The states shared: Common language, race, customs, history

5 2. According to Bismarck, why should Prussia lead the unification of Germany? A.Prussia was the most powerful German state: – Strongest military in Europe – Most industrialized of the German states

6 3. In the last sentence, how did Bismarck say unification would be possible? A.NOT through liberal methods (speeches, giving people the right to vote, new constitutions) B.Unification would be achieved “by blood and iron” Blood: Shedding of blood / using the military and warfare Iron: Building up industry!

7 Background and Leadership – Otto Von Bismarck Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Prussia – Appointed by King Wilhelm I Master of realpolitik – “Politics of reality.” Do whatever you have to do to get results, even if you have to be harsh and cruel. “Blood and Iron” is an example. Goal: Unite all of the German states into a single strong nation, with Prussia at its center.

8 Concluding Question Bismarck faced many problems in uniting Germany. For each problem, give Bismarck one piece of advice that will help him to unify Germany: – Germany is divided into 39 different states, each one with its own laws and government. What can we do to bring them closer together and make unification possible? – Northern Germans were Protestant, while southern Germans were Catholic. As a result, there was considerable tension between the two regions and they were reluctant to unite. What can we do to bring them closer together and make unification possible? – Many of the German states were dominated by Austria. How can we remove the Austrian influence so Germany can become a united, independent country?

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