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Heavy Ions at the LHC Theoretical issues Super-hot QCD matter What have we learned from RHIC & SPS What is different at the LHC ? Goals of HI experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "Heavy Ions at the LHC Theoretical issues Super-hot QCD matter What have we learned from RHIC & SPS What is different at the LHC ? Goals of HI experiments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heavy Ions at the LHC Theoretical issues Super-hot QCD matter What have we learned from RHIC & SPS What is different at the LHC ? Goals of HI experiments at the LHC LHC2003 Workshop Fermilab April 30 – May 3, 2003

2 QCD phase diagram LHC initial state RHIC

3 From hadrons to QGP QGP = quark-gluon plasma Hadron gas QCD equation of state from lattice QCD

4 Signatures of a QCD phase change Effects of “latent heat” in (E,T) relation Enhancement of s-quark production Bulk hadronization Disappearance of light hadrons (ρ 0 ) Thermal l + l - and  radiation Dissolution of Ψ, Y bound states Large energy loss of fast partons (jet quenching) Net charge and baryon number fluctuations Collective vacuum excitations (DCC)

5 Thermodynamics near T c Additional energy is used up to liberate new degrees of freedom (color!) in transition region TE

6 Hadrons at the boiling point ? Plateau is an indicator of latent heat of phase transformation. RHIC SPS AGS

7 Strangeness enhancement… Flavor Mass (MeV) (sss) (qss) (qqs) NA57 data …probes chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement

8 High-energy parton loses energy by rescattering in dense, hot medium. q q Radiative energy loss qq g can be described as medium effect on parton fragmentation: Jet Quenching

9 Scaled   yield in Au+Au vs. p+p collisions Phenix preliminary Peripheral Central

10 Peripheral p /  ratio HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS: Wayward Particles Collide With Physicists' Expectations Charles Seife EAST LANSING --At a meeting here last week, resear- chers announced results that, so far, nobody can explain. By slamming gold atoms together at nearly the speed of light, the physicists hoped to make gold nuclei melt into a novel phase of matter called a quark-gluon plasma. But al-though the experiment produced encoura- ging evidence that they had succeeded, it also left them struggling to account for the behavior of the particles that shoot away from the tremen- dously energetic smashups.

11 Azimuthal anisotropy v 2 pypy Coordinate space: initial asymmetry Momentum space: final asymmetry pxpx x y Semiperipheral collision Collective flow behavior extends to higher p T for baryons (p,  ) than mesons ( ,K) Indicates early equilibration (< 1 fm/c)

12 Quark recombination ? Fragmentation Recombination

13 Recombination vs. Fragmentation Fragmentation… … never competes with recombination for an exponential spectrum: … but wins out at large p T, where the spectrum is a power law ~ (p T ) -b Quark distribution function at “freeze-out” Recombination: For a thermal distribution:

14 Model fit to hadron spectrum T eff = 350 MeV fitted to spectrum pQCD spectrum shifted by 2.2 GeV R.J. Fries, BM, C. Nonaka, S.A. Bass (PRL in print) Also explains p/   ratio ≥ 1 below 5 GeV/c !

15 Does v 2 reflect parton flow? Recombination model suggests that hadronic flow reflects partonic flow (n = number of valence quarks): Provides measurement of partonic v 2 ! P. Sorensen (UCLA – STAR)

16 What’s different (better) at the LHC ? Higher energy density  0 at earlier time  0. Jet physics can be probed to p T > 100 GeV. b, c quarks are plentiful, good probes. Increased lifetime of QGP phase (10-15 fm/c)  Initial state effects less important. QGP more dominant over final-state hadron interactions. Much larger “dynamic range” compared to RHIC

17 Parton saturation at small x ~ 1/Q 2  After “liberation”, partons equilibrate and screen color force

18 E CM dependence of dN/dy, dE/dy NLO pQCD with geometric parton saturation (Eskola et al. - EKRT) Probably overestimate of growth of dN/dy, dE/dy with E CM RHIC LHC RHIC LHC

19 Quo vadis - J/  ? V qq is screened at scale (gT) -1  heavy quark bound states dissolve above some T d. But deconfined c-quarks can recombine at hadronization and form new J/ . J/  suppression ?J/  enhancement ? Karsch et al. Thews et al.

20 Jet quenching at the LHC I. Vitev, M. Gyulassy, PRL 89 (2002) 252301

21 Hadron production at the LHC  r = 0.75  r = 0.85  r = 0,65 R.J. Fries et al. (unpublished) includes parton energy loss

22 Photon tagged jets High-energy photon defines energy of the jet, but remains unaffected by the hot medium. q g  Parton energy loss is measured by the suppression of the fragmentation function D(z) near z  1.

23 Measuring the density R.J. Fries, BM, D.K. Srivastava, PRL 90 (2003) 132301 g  q q + g  q +  q + q  g +  Backscattering probes the plasma density and initial parton spectrum

24 Summary SPS: First glimpse (“evidence”) of the QGP RHIC: Discovery of the QGP ?! LHC: (Quantitative) exploration of the QGP facilitated by plentiful hard probes ! Specific questions: –How does dE/dx depend on energy density? –How is the fragmentation function modified? –Are c and b quarks thermalized? –Gluon saturation in nuclei at small x –Higher twist effects

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