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Dissemination working Group 1 Strategic project on common ESS policies for access to and re-use of data Dissemination Working Group 17-18 April 2012 -

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Presentation on theme: "Dissemination working Group 1 Strategic project on common ESS policies for access to and re-use of data Dissemination Working Group 17-18 April 2012 -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissemination working Group 1 Strategic project on common ESS policies for access to and re-use of data Dissemination Working Group 17-18 April 2012 - Point 8 Celia Santos Sánchez Dissemination

2 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 2 1.Background 2.Questionnaire results 3.Next steps

3 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 3 1. Background DWG Nov 2011: MS accepted to launch a strategic project on “Common ESS policies for free access and re-use of data.” Five countries TF: DK, DE, FI, IT, NL. Tasks: –updating the survey of NSI policies –preparing a draft proposal for a common ESS conditions for access to and re-use of data  Short term objective: ESS guidelines.

4 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 4 2. Questionnaire results: The questionnaire 11 questions on dissemination conditions for statistical data Sent to 37 statistical institutes, including Eurostat 34 respondents

5 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 5 Q1. If there is a public document in English on the dissemination policy, please provide the link: 26 + ESTAT have a public doc in EN on dissemination policy Q2. Are data available free of charge in your website? All NSIs and ESTAT offer data free of charge in their websites

6 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 6 Q3. Regardless of the type of dissemination (free of charge or not), has your NSI adopted any licence? Q4. What are the conditions/exceptions for free dissemination? For example, does it depend on the type of user (private, student, enterprise, etc) or the type of data? No exceptions, all data provided on the web 28 NSIs +ESTAT don't have a licence 6 NSIs have a licence – 4 Custom licence – 2 Creative Commons

7 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 7 Q5. Can the data be re-used for commercial purposes? Only in 3 NSIs data can not be re-used for commercial purposes Q6. When data is re-used for commercial purposes, what, if any, conditions are imposed? In general, same as for non-commercial purposes (acknowledge the NSI as the source) In few cases written agreement or permission is required

8 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 8 Q7. What formats are available to download your data. For example SDMX-ML xls, csv, pc-axis, spss, tsv or others?

9 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 9 Q8. Do you also offer a bulk download facility (like: /statistics/bulk_download)? 26 NSIs don't offer bulk download facility Some API and web services Bulk download for specific databases or some time-series data Q9. Could you provide figures on the downloads of the different data formats? 17 NSIs are able to provide download figures in the different data formats

10 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 10 Q10. Does your country have any policy on open data, re-distribution of public sector information, etc? 13 under preparation, on going policies… 11 have answered yes Q11. Do you offer non-confidential anonymised microdata? If so, are the conditions different from normal statistical data? Various answers

11 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 11 3. Next steps April 2012Presentation of results of survey on existing practices of NSIs May 2012First Task Force meeting May –September 2012Finalisation of proposal on common ESS conditions for access to and re-use of data. A second TF meeting if necessary. October 2012Review of proposal at DWG February 2013Proposal submitted to ESSC

12 17th,18th Apr 2012Dissemination working Group 12 Comments: –Any comments on the results of the survey? –Any general comment as input to the Task Force?

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