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1 DEMOGRAPHICS SURVEY will be displayed in this position

2 Weeding for a Healthier Library An Infopeople Webcast Presenter: Francisca Goldsmith Monday, July 9, 2007 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.

3 Agenda Why weed Weeding methods Copyright considerations Developing weeding policies

4 Housekeeping Today’s webcast:  Presentation: 50 minutes  Q&A: final 10 minutes Submit your questions via “Chat” during webcast so presenter gets them in time Fill out evaluation during Q&A Don’t wait for Q&A to submit questions Webcast Archives:

5 Using Chat Chat Box is located at the bottom, lower left corner (below the video of the presenter) To send a message, select ALL from the dropdown Type message in box to right of ALL and press Enter. Use Chat to send questions to the presenter and to get help with technical difficulties. Send messages to ALL.

6 Weeding Is Collection Development Reselection and deselection  Would you select this material today? Preserving surrounding materials  Mildew, mites, and smells travel Focusing browsers on the useful  Eliminating useless distractions

7 Benefits of Weeding Increased circulation  20-50% Increased familiarity with collection’s strengths and weaknesses  reader’s advisory possibilities  enrichment needs

8 What Causes the Need to Weed? Material’s condition Outdated and inaccurate information Unnecessary redundancy Crowded conditions

9 Material’s Condition Dirt Odors Water damage Vandalism Material degradation Mildew and pests Missing parts

10 Datedness of Content Old information can be  interesting  useful to some pursuits

11 Datedness of Content Old information can be  interesting  useful to some pursuits  inaccurate  dangerous  prejudicial to remainder of collection

12 Redundancy on the Shelf Purposeful or stale? Seasonal need?

13 Crowding When the good stuff can’t be found for the unnecessary Special circumstances  temporary or permanent relocation  windfall materials budget  change in library’s scope or mission

14 Essential Weeding Tools Knowledge of collection and subcollection Circulation trends Current community profile Standard bibliographies

15 Weeding Methods MUSTY (or MUSTIE) CREW Weed of the Month Circulation point Standing orders Annual inventory

16 MUSTY (MUSTIE) Misleading information Ugly appearance due to  wear  outdated design Superceded by newer materials Trivial worth to local users Your library isn’t the place for this  I rrelevant to your collection  E lsewhere is preferable for this item

17 CREW Continuous Review  circulation/use records  local interests/needs Evaluation  condition  relevancy Weeding  timely  steady pace CREW Manual

18 Weed of the Month Topical focus  reason to weed the topic  suggested Dewey numbers to check  specific weeding criteria Sunlink’s Weed of the Month Archives

19 Secondary Weeding Methods Circulation point Standing orders Annual inventory

20 Copyright Considerations Law and medicine Literature Other nonfiction Fiction Children’s collections Teen collections

21 Developing Policies Weeding is part of collection development Training is required Other policies related to weeding  donations  local history archives

22 Q & A

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