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G ROUP BEHAVIOUR. group behaviour The Selfish Gene is a book on by Richard Dawkings, 1976 Animal are kind to kin Animals are kind to non-kin Warning cries.

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Presentation on theme: "G ROUP BEHAVIOUR. group behaviour The Selfish Gene is a book on by Richard Dawkings, 1976 Animal are kind to kin Animals are kind to non-kin Warning cries."— Presentation transcript:


2 group behaviour The Selfish Gene is a book on by Richard Dawkings, 1976 Animal are kind to kin Animals are kind to non-kin Warning cries (help others at your own risk) Food sharing (the case of vampire bats)

3 Individuals benefit more by working together than working alone. The benefits outweigh the cost Reciprocal altruism But there is a problem.... The existence of cheaters ( in economic and sociology they are called free-riders)

4 S O HOW CAN ALTRUISM EVOLVE ? Cooperation is unstable Advantage to genes that lead animal to reap the benefits without paying the costs Gene A accepts blood from others, share blood Gene B accepts blood from others, don’t share blood Gene B will out reproduce Gene A Warning cries/ buying drinks

5 C HEATER DETECTION Reciprocal altruism can only evolve if animals punish cheaters This requires a mental apparatus Recognising cheater Remembering the cheater Punish the cheater

6 A CASE – STUDY ON COOPERATION T HE PRISONER ’ S DILEMMA The best case is to defect while the other person cooperate. The worst case is to cooperate while the other person defects. Best for both is if each cooperate Worse for both is if each defect

7 My spouse noMy spouse yes Me no We both do ok Me yes

8 My spouse noMy spouse yes Me no We both do ok Me yes I get everything my husband loses everything

9 My spouse noMy spouse yes Me no We both do ok My husband gets everything I lose everything Me yes I get everything my husband loses everything

10 My spouse noMy spouse yes Me no We both do ok My husband gets everything Me yes I get everything my husband loses everything We both lose

11 Country A cooperateCountry A defect Cou ntr y Bco ope rat e We both do ok Cou ntr y B def ect

12 Country A NOCountry A YES Cou ntr y B NO We both do ok Cou ntr y B yes B gets everything A gets nothing

13 Country A NOCountry A YES Cou ntr y B NO We both do ok B gets everything A gets nothing Cou ntr y B yes A gets everything B gets nothing

14 Country A coopCountry A defect Cou ntr y B coo p We both do ok A gets everything B gets nothing Cou ntr y B def ect B gets everything Agets nothingBoth do pretty badly

15 I want to buy Marijuana from you I have 1000€ Let’s meet behind the gym nobody is going to call the cops so: I could go there with a gun and get the Marijuana without paying He could come with a gun and take my money

16 P RACTICE !! 3 euros each both coop 5 euros /0 euros

17 63 computer programmes in the 1980s The winner is “Tit-for-Tat” ( by Anatol Rapparport) The programme opens by cooperating, then plays what the other played in the previous game. Punish for selfish behaviour, reward for cooperative behaviour. Be NICE you meet someone Not an idiot if you defect I will defect back Forgiving –once you are nice it will be nice right back Transparent- easy to figure out how to work together for mutual gain

18 T HE ULTIMATE GAME Player A has 10 euros Player B Player A can offer from 1 t0 10 B can accept (cooperate) you share the money B can reject (defect) nobody gets anything. 5 time in a row

19 P SYCHOLOGISTS BELIEVE A rational person is easily exploited. There is some advantage to being irrational, people are forced by dint of your irrationality to treat you better. The irrational reaction/violence varies from culture to culture. Violence due to disrespect the “culture of honour”

20 P ROPERTIES OF THE C ULTURE OF H ONOUR One cannot rely on law. Resources are easily taken. Western Cowboys Masai Warriers American South has more of a culture of honour than the American North. Corporal punishment is more approved of. Attitudes towards the military are more positive. More violence (not less safety)

21 Nisbet &Wilson made a psychological experiments. American Caucasian students. A graduate students bump into the person looks at him and says “Asshole” Students from the American South showed higher hormone response and stress response, testerone level and cortisol level increased.

22 T HE R OBBERS C AVE STUDY 11-12 years old boys at a 3 week camping program Well adjusted WASPs Separate cabins, leaders “Eagles” and “Rattlers” Distinctive cultures within group solidarity Negative stereotyping Hostility raids violence

23 T HE R OBBERS C AVE S TUDY Attempts to reduce hostility between the groups: Peace talks Individual competitions Shared meals Shared movies Fun with firecrackers Sermons on brotherly love

24 T HE R OBBERS C AVE S TUDY What could bring them together?

25 A SUPERORDINATE GOAL (a common ememy)

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