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Workshop on “Data Re-use” 16-17 December 2014, Barcelona Haibo Chen, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on “Data Re-use” 16-17 December 2014, Barcelona Haibo Chen, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on “Data Re-use” 16-17 December 2014, Barcelona Haibo Chen, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds

2 | CONTENTS OF THIS WORKSHOP 2 Tuesday, 16 th December 2014, 13:30 – 18:00 Introductions: The FOT-Net Data project The current status of FESTA handbook WP5 (FOT Methodology) “What are the main issues with data re-use?” Presentations of projects: DRIVE C2X EUDAT COMPASS4D Hand-on exercise and discussion

3 | CONTENTS OF THIS WORKSHOP 3 Wednesday, 17 th December 2014, 09:00 – 14:00 Presentation on US Perspective of data re-use Introduction to BSC and an guided visit Presentations of projects: TRAFISAFE smartCEM Around-table discussion Wrap-up

4 | Datasets created in the project: – Data collection – Data pre-processing and QA – How to make the data re-usable? Datasets collected in other projects and re-used in the project: – In which project (s) was the original data collected? – What kind of process did you adopt in order to re-use the collected data? – Overview of the results from re-using the collected data – What lessons and experience did you gain from this process? What is needed in order to make data easier to re-use? 4 FOCUS OF THE PRESENTATIONS

5 | Data re-use exercise: Find errors Examine the SPMD datasets (USA) Suggest potential use of the SPMD data Compare DRIVE C2X (EU) with SPMD Discussion What are the methods and tools to be used for the QA of a given dataset? What are the best practices for labelling attributes? What applications would you like to use the SPMD and DRIVE C2X data and how easy could they be re-used? 5 HAND-ON EXERCISE AND DISCUSSION

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