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The Backward Regions Grant Fund Panchayati Raj Department Government of Odisha.

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Presentation on theme: "The Backward Regions Grant Fund Panchayati Raj Department Government of Odisha."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Backward Regions Grant Fund Panchayati Raj Department Government of Odisha

2 BRGF Reducing Regional Inequalities & eradicating Backward- ness & poverty Empowering Panchayats through District Planning Launched and support provided since 2006-07 Covers 250 backward districts in India & 20 districts in Odisha Allocations based on population and area, with a minimum of Rs. 10 cr. per district per year Includes completion of RSVY before commencing BRGF expenditure Planning and implementation by Panchayats, ULVs at all levels


4 . GOI + + formula Backward Regions Grant Fund: funding design Rs. 250 cr Capacity building Rs. 4420 cr untied funds Rs. 4670 cr. 10 cr per dist 50% on Pop 50% on Area State formula Inter-se shares between PRI tiers and ULB Shares between Panchayats within the allocation for the Tier concerned Incen- tives

5 Fund Apportionment between Rural & Urban areas in Odisha The % of fund earmarked for urban areas in a district - The % of Urban Population in the District + 15% extra or 40% of the BRGF fund in the district – whichever is lower Inter – ULB distribution of funds within a district – 85% weightage shall be given to the ULB population – 15% weightage shall be given to SC/ST population of ULBs The % of fund earmarked for urban areas in a district - The % of Urban Population in the District + 15% extra or 40% of the BRGF fund in the district – whichever is lower Inter – ULB distribution of funds within a district – 85% weightage shall be given to the ULB population – 15% weightage shall be given to SC/ST population of ULBs

6 Poverty and backwardness agenda Backward Regions Grant Fund: Key features in design Converge development inflows into a well-coordinated integrated development plan for the district. Funds to be used for filling gaps in infrastructure, service delivery, peoples’ welfare, capacity building of elected representatives and panchayat officials, and enlisting professional support for village, block and district planning. Focus on poverty reduction in backward districts as the key objective of BRGF and, therefore, to be closely tracked by the Panchayats at all three levels through their independent monitoring systems.

7 Backward Regions Grant Fund: Role clarity 1 1 Fiscal devolution Strengthening capability Activity mapping for each devolved function Panchayat sector windows in line department budgets, Formula based transfers, Electronic tagging and tracking of transfers Capacity Building and Training IT enabled e-governance. Helplines 2 2 3 3 Empowerment of Panchayats through:

8 Backward Regions Grant Fund: Decentralised Planning Accountability Planning by Gram Panchayats/ Intermediate Panchayats/ULBs District Panchayats/DPC Social audit by Gram Sabhas Formal audit by Local Fund Audit of Panchayat accounts at all three levels 4 4 5 5 Empowerment of Panchayats through:

9 Planning In preparing the District Plan, District Planning Committees are to consolidate:  Plans prepared by the Panchayats for (a) activities assigned to them, (b) national/state schemes implemented by them and (c) schemes implemented with their own resources,  Similar plans prepared by ULBs,  Elements of the State Plan physically implemented in the district.

10 Use of Untied Fund 'untied' funds, to be used to prepare programmes that fill gaps and bridge discontinuities in programmes prepared under other priority Schemes, Regional disparities within district must be effectively addressed, Extent of permissible tying of BRGF funds: important priorities for districts must be laid down, such as: –All Panchayats to build Panchayat ghars –Housing backlog to be addressed –Anganwadi buildings to be completed –Midday meals kitchen complexes to be completed –100 percent literacy to be attained –Provision of Safe Drinking Water –Rural Electrification, where intensive electrification of a village may be beyond what is proposed to be done from investment at the national level at present. –Gap filling in local infrastructure link to flagship programme.

11 LIST OF PRIORITY SCHEMES FOR FUNDS EARMARKED FOR SC AND ST DEVELOPMENT 1.Community Halls. 2.Residential Intermediate college / hostels for SC / ST children. 3.ITIs 4.Rural playgrounds. 5.One time support (of about 20 lakhs) to reputed NGOs who have land for setting up Secondary Schools / Colleges for girls. 6.Tractors with trolleys and agricultural implements to SHGs of 20 small / marginal SC / ST farmers. 7.Training of educated youth in areas such as computers, repairs of mobile phones, driving etc. 8.Pre-recruitment training for para military and other security forces. 9.Construction and allotment of shops, etc.

12 Inadmissible Works both Urban & Rural Areas Repairs / Renovation /Construction of any type of Govt. Office & Residential buildings Repairs / Renovation/ Construction of Traffic Control room, Press club, Training centres, Kalyan Mandaps / Community Halls / Centres / Prayer Halls / Mathas etc. Structure / Work relating to any type of religious purpose Welcome Arches, Gates, Statues etc. Routine Work of ULBs such as Cleaning of Streets, Maintenance of Street lights etc. N.B. This list is only illustrative, not comprehensive. Repairs / Renovation /Construction of any type of Govt. Office & Residential buildings Repairs / Renovation/ Construction of Traffic Control room, Press club, Training centres, Kalyan Mandaps / Community Halls / Centres / Prayer Halls / Mathas etc. Structure / Work relating to any type of religious purpose Welcome Arches, Gates, Statues etc. Routine Work of ULBs such as Cleaning of Streets, Maintenance of Street lights etc. N.B. This list is only illustrative, not comprehensive.

13 Implementation Agency Rural Areas – BDO & Line Deptt. are Implementing Agencies for projects identified for rural areas (ZP & GPs are not executing agencies under BRGF) Urban Areas – Urban Local Bodies & Line Deptt. are the Executing Agencies for urban area works. Rural Areas – BDO & Line Deptt. are Implementing Agencies for projects identified for rural areas (ZP & GPs are not executing agencies under BRGF) Urban Areas – Urban Local Bodies & Line Deptt. are the Executing Agencies for urban area works.

14 Thank you

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