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Ethnic Diversity.

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1 Ethnic Diversity

2 Vocabulary words Ethnic group – is a group of people who shares the same customs. Language, and culture. Race - A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. Migration – leaving their country for many reasons. Invasion – The action of entering a place by force. Latin – cultures from countries conquered by Spain and Portugal. Mulatto – Person who has parents or ancestors that are of African and European descent. Mestizaje – mixing of cultures.

3 Introduction: ETHNICITY
Look around: What characteristics do we have in common? How are we different? What is an ethnicity? Is a group of people that share the same customs, language, and culture.

4 Cause and effect of diversity
- The population of the Americas is made up of people from all over the world. This is why population is so diverse. - The mestizaje or mixing of cultures is a result of this diversity. - The invasion and colonization of America also gave rise to mestizaje. People from Spain, Portugal, France, Great Britain and Netherlands came in to the new land. Europeans lived in some places alongside the indigenous people and both cultures combine. The Europeans also brought African slaves which also left an important physical and an cultural legacy.

5 Result of mestizaje in Puerto Rico
The 3 main cultures that mix to create what we call now Puerto Ricans are: Taino, African and Spaniard Class Activity: Create a drawing that reflects the mestizaje in Puerto Rico. - Write about the drawing and explain how you can still see the effect of mestizaje in Puerto Rico today. (5 sentences minimum)

6 Activity Gather in groups of 3 and create a collage that represents the different ethnicities that you can find in the American Continent. Explain your collage to the class.

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