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Participant Workshop Today’s Agenda Group Agreement What Sycamore Safe Zone is about Why it is important Causes for concern Activity You as an Ally.

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Presentation on theme: "Participant Workshop Today’s Agenda Group Agreement What Sycamore Safe Zone is about Why it is important Causes for concern Activity You as an Ally."— Presentation transcript:



3 Participant Workshop Today’s Agenda Group Agreement What Sycamore Safe Zone is about Why it is important Causes for concern Activity You as an Ally and taking a stand Symbols and Terminology Taking the Pledge

4 Group Agreements Respect and openness Confidentiality and openness Right to Pass Non-judgmental approach Use first person; avoid using “You” Sensitive to diversity Acceptance Have a good time!

5 What is Sycamore Safe Zone? A safe and affirming place for Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students, faculty, and staff.

6 Why is Sycamore Safe Zone Important? All people have right to be safe and happy College is when most students “come out” LGBTQ students have added pressures A third of all LGBTQ students across the county have experienced harassment in some form

7 Causes for Concern 51% of students from a 2002 study admitted to concealing their sexual orientation or gender identity 43% of LGBTQ students rated the campus climate as “homophobic” LGBTQ students are significantly more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts Texas City Councilman: Joel Burns

8 “Coming Out” Activity

9 You as an Ally Ally is someone who is willing to act on behalf of, in support of, or in coalition with someone else. Someone who understands and draws the connection between themselves, their group and others/other groups.

10 Taking a Stand as an Ally Video Clip Zach Wahls speaks out about his family

11 Symbols and Terminology

12 Taking the Pledge Supporting and creating an environment Respect all people and their confidentiality Educate yourself and others Stand up to homophobia and heterosexism Listen to LGBTQ student concerns Direct LGBTQ students to resources

13 Final Questions?

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