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YEAST BREAD Culinary Arts II. Just the Facts: Yeast Bread Video  Square, Circle, Triangle Review.

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Presentation on theme: "YEAST BREAD Culinary Arts II. Just the Facts: Yeast Bread Video  Square, Circle, Triangle Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 YEAST BREAD Culinary Arts II

2 Just the Facts: Yeast Bread Video  Square, Circle, Triangle Review

3 Bread in a Bag  Shaping a Loaf Shaping a Loaf  Each kitchen will make their own loaf of bread.  While your bread is baking, complete the Yeast Bread worksheet. This will help you on your test on Thursday.

4 Yeast Breads  Leavened with yeast  Yeast produces alcohols and carbon dioxide gas by breaking down carbohydrates Process called fermentation  Dough must be kneaded and allowed to rise before baking  Variety:  Pizza crust, pita bread, hard rolls, soft pretzels, puff pastry and chewy bagels

5  Basic white bread: made only with all-purpose flour, yeast, salt, sugar, fat and water or milk  Batter bread: like basic white bread but with more liquid so texture is not as light  Sweet white bread: basic white bread plus butter, eggs, extra sugar and sometimes nuts and fruits  Whole-grain bread: whole-grain flour replaces part or all of the all-purpose flour  Sourdough bread: leavened with sourdough starter, a well-fermented mixture of yeast, water and flour  Tangy flavor and chewy texture

6 Making Yeast Bread  Mixing the Dough  Kneading the Dough  Letting the Dough Rise  Shaping Dough & Second Rise  Baking the Dough

7 Conventional Method  Yeast is first dissolved in warm water to activate growth.  Method of testing yeast called proofing.  Temperature is critical. Too Cold = No Growth Too Hot = Dead Should feel pleasantly warm.

8 Quick Mix Method  Combines dry yeast with the dry ingredients.  Liquids must be warmer because the dry ingredients absorb some of the heat.  Typically mix with a stand mixer.  Mixer develops gluten so kneading time is shorter.

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