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 Obj:  You will be able to describe the types of chemical bonds & how they form.  Do Now: In your own words, define a bond?  Please take out pH Lab.

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Presentation on theme: " Obj:  You will be able to describe the types of chemical bonds & how they form.  Do Now: In your own words, define a bond?  Please take out pH Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1  Obj:  You will be able to describe the types of chemical bonds & how they form.  Do Now: In your own words, define a bond?  Please take out pH Lab.  HW: Test Review Packet Due Tuesday (11/10)  Test Wed. (11/11)

2 Chemical Bonds

3 Chemical Bond Def: a force that holds together atoms in a molecule or compound –Forms by the losing, gaining, or sharing of electrons! Form to make atoms stable (outer shell is full) Types –Ionic –Covalent –Hydrogen

4 Ionic Bonding Def: Opposite ions are attracted to each other to form a bond

5 IonicIonic Bonding Ion = atom with a charge (+ or -) An example of this type of bonding: salt (NaCl) This type of boning occurs between metals (left) & nonmetals (right).

6 CovalentCovalent Bond Def: sharing of Electrons to form a bond Stronger than ionic bonding

7 Covalent Bond 2 Types: –NONPOLAR  equal sharing of electrons Example – Oil –POLAR  unequal sharing of electrons Example - Water

8 Water Chemical Formula: H 2 O Draw an atom model of water.

9 Like Dissolves Like Polar molecules and ions all dissolve together Nonpolar molecules all dissolve together do notPolar and nonpolar molecules do not mix together


11 Covalent bonds NonpolarPolar ∂+∂+ ∂-∂- Ionic bond + - Chemical bonds

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