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“Armenian” Health Profile Luiza Gharibyan, PhD, National Supercourse Director for Armenia for Supercourse’s Program Supercourse’s.

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Presentation on theme: "“Armenian” Health Profile Luiza Gharibyan, PhD, National Supercourse Director for Armenia for Supercourse’s Program Supercourse’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Armenian” Health Profile Luiza Gharibyan, PhD, National Supercourse Director for Armenia for Supercourse’s Program Supercourse’s

2 Map of Armenia

3 Population Statistics by gender and age 2000 Total population: 3,344 (thousands) MEN WOMEN 100200 0-4 10-14 20-24 30-34 40-44 50-54 60-64 70-74 80 + 0 Armenia

4 Crude Birth Rate Unit: births per thousand persons Your Comments Armenia

5 Life Expectancy at Birth Your Comments Armenia

6 Crude Death Rate Unit: deaths rates per thousand persons Your Comments Armenia

7 Main reasons of the deaths Your Comments Unit: deaths rates per 100 000 persons Armenia

8 Age all ages <1 1-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 Male 814,4 1877,4 117,6 39.5 156.5 252..0 Female 663.9 1664,7 134,0 18.4 35.0 69.4 Age 35- 44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Male 433.4 910.9 2300.1 4295.6 12746.5 Female 150.1 359.9 1032.4 2817.7 11493.4 Age-specific death rates by sex and age (1993 year) Per 100 000 persons in age groups Armenia Your Comments

9 Causes Total Male Female Total cases 100% 100% 100% Diseases of the circulatory system 47.3 59.5 Neoplasms 13.8 11.4 External causes of mortality 12.7 3.6 Diseases of the digestive system 4.46 2.96 Diseases of the respiratory system 8.03 5.76 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (D.) 2.26 4.0 Mental and Behavioral disorders 0.96 0.4 Certain infectious and parasitic D. 1,69 1.26 D. of the genitourinary system 1.96 1.3 Deaths by major causes of death and sex ( 1993 year) In % Your Comments Armenia

10 Maternal Mortality Ratio Your Comments Armenia Per 100 000 of life births

11 Infant Mortality Rate Your Comments Per 1000 of life births Armenia

12 - Inpatient care beds(2000): 539 per 100000 population - Number of Physician(2000): 314 per 100 000 - GDP(2000) : 1914 millions of dollars - GDP (2000) per capita: 520 US dollars - Total expenditure on Health(1999): 1,4 % to GNP Economics and Health Indicators Your Comments Armenia

13 Morbidity Ranking 1996 The Top health events causing morbidity are: 5172.5 6576.0Dis. of the digestive syst. 2198.0 567.5 1724.2 2176.1 Endocrine,nutrition.&met Mental and behavioral 2890.0 3393.8 External causes of morb. 1024.9 42.04 Neoplasms Dis.of the circulatory sys. 1506.5 4856.7 5344.0 268.2 Infectious Diseases(Dis.) Adults 35830.7 Children 46337.0All causes Incidence RateDisease Per 100 000 persons Your Comments Armenia

14 This lecture is based on Statistical data: Health in Russia, Russian Goskomstat, 2001,Moscow, 356P. (International comparisons) ( or Data of the Armenian Ministry of Health World Bank data Armenia

15 Useful Internet links related to health profiles in different Countries WHO Regional office for Europe WHO World Health Statistics Annual WHO web site The list of country-specific resources on public healthThe list of country-specific resources on public health World Bank project "Development Gateway” World development indicators and tables indicators tables Send Your Link Armenia

16 Thank you for taking health profile Tour for Armenia Would you like to create your own country’s Health profile? Send Your Countries Data’s Set and your lecture will be opened during next week! Would you like to add your own slides to Armenian Health profile? Send Your Slides with new or updated information

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