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 Copy HW 17  Start page 17 of your notebook with the title Julius Caesar and record three facts you might know about him.

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Presentation on theme: " Copy HW 17  Start page 17 of your notebook with the title Julius Caesar and record three facts you might know about him."— Presentation transcript:

1  Copy HW 17  Start page 17 of your notebook with the title Julius Caesar and record three facts you might know about him

2  How has the relationship between people and their gov’t changed?  How can societies use what they have learned from the past?  What can we learn from the collapse of empires?

3 ~60 B.C.E. _________-political Alliance of three Crassus Pompey Julius Caesar

4  Controlled Gaul (France)  Hero of the lower classes  Marched his 5,000 men to Rome  Won a civil war in 48 BCE  Became dictator in 44 BCE  Filled the Senate w/ those loyal to him

5  Granted citizenship to people living in Rome’s territories  Started new colonies for the landless  Created jobs for the poor  Used the Julian Calendar-12 months,365 days, even had leap year  But…  Treated his enemies harshly  Sought glory for himself over the Republic

6  Great leaders always have enemies  Caesar ignored the warning  March 15 th 44 B.C.E. Caesar is murdered by a group of men organized by Cassius and Brutus

7  Name three other famous people killed by an enemy.

8  U.S. President 1961-1963

9  Who-  What-  Where-  When-  Why-

10  John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie, in a presidential motorcade. A ten-month investigation in 1963–64 by the Warren Commission concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial.


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