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Piaget’s terms. Schema A Schema is our mental representation of objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Piaget’s terms. Schema A Schema is our mental representation of objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Piaget’s terms

2 Schema A Schema is our mental representation of objects.

3 Assimilation Once we have developed schemas we may learn new information that does not fit into an existing schema. We will try to make new information fit into our old schemas (or understandings). Example: We may originally believe that all four legged animals are dogs. The first time we see

4 Example of Assimilation Example: We may originally believe that all four legged animals are dogs. The first time we see a cat or horse we will still call it a dog. We believe that all four legged animals are dogs and we try to make these new animals fit this schema.

5 Accommodation We are eventually forced to change our schemas to include new information. Example: Not all four legged animals with hair are dogs. It may include other animals besides dogs.

6 Classification Classification is the ability to group objects together on the basis of common features. We are able to classify objects when once we have made accommodations for new information.

7 Object Permanence Until the age of about 7 months if you hide an object then a child will forget it exists. At 7 months a child will look for an object that is hidden if you show them where you hid it. This is the beginning of what is known as Object permanence.

8 Object Permanence By the age of 12 months a child’s search for a hidden object becomes more complicated. They will look for the object n the last place they saw it.

9 Object Permanence By 18-24 months the child will continue to look in other places than where it saw the object last. By 18 months old the child realizes that the object did not simply disappear.

10 Representational Thought The development of Object Permanence is possible because the child is able to represent the object in its mind. This is known as Representational Thought.

11 Conservation By age 5 a child develops conservation skills. The child understands that the quantity of an object does not change because it changes shape.

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