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Ruining children childhood: School uniforms

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1 Ruining children childhood: School uniforms
By: Kendall Turk

2 Expensive Cost School uniforms should be banned because of the expensive cost. The cost of uniforms can take away money from a child’s future. School uniforms are so expensive that they take away costs of things that could go towards college. Americans spend around 1 billion dollars per year on school uniforms.

3 Freedom To Be You School uniforms should be banned because in the First Amendment of the United States constitution it says that all individuals should be allowed to express their religion, assembly, and right to petition. Freedom of expression is not just saying what you want, it is also the way you present yourself but it is also how you dress. Wearing uniforms can take away the freedom to express an individual’s own self. There are several other things you can do with the money you spend on uniforms.

4 Break Free Be yourself People teach children to break free and stand out and to be you around people. But with uniforms, schools are not allowing children to express our individual sense of style and personality. At my school we don’t have school uniforms so I am able to express myself. With uniforms at schools across the world children, cannot be their individual self’s.

5 Thumbs down Mandatory uniforms receive the thumbs down from students all over the globe. That’s because most student dislikes uniforms! You can search every corner in the world and no students would say that he or she loves their uniform.

6 Polls There have been many polls made to determine the acceptance of school uniforms. Most of them show that students are against them. Take the case of the Harford County Public School students, 87.9% where in strong disfavor of the mandatory uniform system. The parents of children feel the same way as well. According to the Rasmussen Reports, 47% of parents are against school uniforms, compared to the 41% who are in favor of school uniforms.12% still remain undecided on the issue

7 Bad Ideas Overall, school uniforms are a terrible idea.
Why? Because school uniforms don’t give students to ability be have freedom, or to be them self. In the constitution of the United States of America constitution states that all individuals should be allowed to wear/express who they are. School uniforms can also take away money from a child’s education, like college. In conclusion school uniforms are a bad idea.

8 Kahoot

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