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Elizabethan Drama Theater in the Renaissance. Pre-Elizabethan Drama  Two acceptable forms:  Mystery Plays  Religious plays performed at celebrations.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabethan Drama Theater in the Renaissance. Pre-Elizabethan Drama  Two acceptable forms:  Mystery Plays  Religious plays performed at celebrations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabethan Drama Theater in the Renaissance

2 Pre-Elizabethan Drama  Two acceptable forms:  Mystery Plays  Religious plays performed at celebrations and festivals  Classical and Neoclassical Drama  Performed at schools and universities  Latin and English

3 Pre-Elizabethan Drama  Professional Theater  Not socially acceptable  Performed in any available space, frequently outside  Actors could be arrested or expelled as homeless or master-less men.  Gained respectability in the 1560s and 1570s.  Protection of wealthy aristocrats  Permanent theaters begin to be built

4 Elizabethan Drama  Kennedy Center Elizabeth I Kennedy Center Elizabeth I  What ruling family did Elizabeth belong to?  What was happening in London during her reign?  How was she influential in the development of literature and drama?

5 Elizabethan Drama  Playhouses  The Hope, The Swan, The Rose  The Globe - South of the Thames, in a rowdy neighborhood  Theatrical Restrictions  Daylight - no artificial lighting  Weather - open  Stage Direction  Effects

6 The Globe  Discovery Education Discovery Education  Why is language so important in Shakespeare’s plays?  Why was the design important?  How many levels of the Globe were there?  What did they use for effects?

7 The Modern Globe  Virtual Tour Virtual Tour  Do you see the commonalities?

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