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King Saud University1 CSC 112 Java Programming I Introduction.

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1 King Saud University1 CSC 112 Java Programming I Introduction

2 King Saud University2 Welcome to CSC112  Lecturer: Reham Al-Abdul Jabbar  Email:  Website :  Office location: room#42 Bld. 20  Office location: room#42 Bld. 20  Office hours: check my website check my websitecheck my website

3 King Saud University3 Teaching Arrangements   Two 50 minute lectures each week   Sat 9-9:50   Mon 9-9:50   One 50 minute tutorial   Wed 9-9:50

4 King Saud University4 Tutorials   One 50 minute tutorial session.   We go through example problems, solutions and programs to reinforce the concepts.   Do some work on tutorial material BEFORE the tutorial.   Your attendance will be recorded.   Making the most of your tutorial sessions is important.

5 King Saud University5 Practical   One 1 hour and 50 minute practical session each week.   Starting this week.   Vital to you passing CSC112.   Your attendance will be recorded.   You must only hand in your own work   A significant proportion of marks comes from practical work.

6 King Saud University6 Assessment   Assessment is what you do to get your marks.   Assessment for CSC112 is made up of a combination of your performance in practical exercises, in quizzes and in exams.   Made up from:   1 quiz 5%   2 midterms 15% - 10%   Lab 30%   Final 40%

7 King Saud University7 Exam Schedule   Exam dates:  Mon 10/11/2008  Quiz1: Mon 10/11/2008 12:00 – 12:30  Wed 26/11/2008  Midterm1: Wed 26/11/2008 12:00 – 1:15  Mon 5/1/2009  Midterm2: Mon 5/1/2009 12:00 – 1:00

8 King Saud University8 Help…   If you have a problem that you know you can't solve by yourself don't hesitate, see someone:   Lecturers or TAs - a technical problem with a practical or concept from the lectures or the textbook that you don't understand   Ask during the lecture or see in person during OHs

9 King Saud University9 Be aware that:  Cheating is prohibited, so if we caught any identical assignments both will take Zero in the first copy and -10 to the second one and so on.  Cheating is prohibited, so if we caught any identical assignments both will take Zero in the first copy and -10 to the second one and so on.  If you fail to attend any examination, you will not be allowed to have a makeup exam unless you have a very strong excuse. You will go for a comprehensive exam ONLY after the exam's committee accepts your excuse.

10 King Saud University10 CSC112 Group  You must have a yahoo ID to join the group.  Announcements  Polls  Discuss your assignments together  Don’t ask any questions not related to course on the group.  Don’t put solutions during your discussions.

11 King Saud University11 Aims of CSC 112   An understanding of the common constructs that make up programming languages   Development of skills in problem solving and efficiently translating solutions into computer programs.   A sufficient working knowledge of the programming language   A sufficient familiarity with the departmental computing environment to allow study in more advanced Information Technology subjects.

12 King Saud University12 Text book Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Second or Third Edition by D.S. Malik Second or Third Edition by D.S. Malik

13 King Saud University13 Course content   Chapter 1: An Overview of Computers and Programming Languages   Chapter 2: Basic Elements of Java   Chapter 3: Introduction to Objects and Input/Output   Chapter 4: Control Structures I   Chapter 5: Control Structures II   Chapter 7: User-Defined Methods   Chapter 9: Arrays

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