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5th Grade – Jan. 23. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education.

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade – Jan. 23. Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade – Jan. 23

2 Grant Purpose and Background Partnerships Purpose of this Training Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Introductions and Training Purpose

3 Teams Bathrooms/Breaks/Cell Phones Agenda STEM Materials Training Teams and Logistics

4 Please take the time to visit the site later Contact us if you have any questions or need any help. MSP Wikispace – Your Source for All Resources


6 You will need these materials: A copy of the Instructional Alignment Chart, K-12 Vertical Progression book, composition notebook (for notes) and a sentence strip for the group Using the Instructional Alignment Chart – identify the vertical alignment of the targeted standards. Identify the implications across the grade levels Discuss with your team – modify if needed. Choose one implication to share with the whole group and write on a sentence strip. Vertical Alignment

7 What works v. what doesn’t work Individually take notes on your sheets Then as a team, come up with one best practice to record on a sentence strip. Be prepared to share with the entire group. Current v. Best Practices

8 1.What is the value of reviewing the vertical alignment? 2.Name one instructional practice that you will use in your classroom and why? Think About It

9 A family of four (mom, dad, and two kids) is taking a late winter vacation on a snowy mountaintop. The snowmobiles take the family and all their gear up the mountain to the campsite. They get an alert that the temperature has risen and an avalanche warning has been issued. They need to get off the mountain quickly along with as much equipment as possible. Using the sleds, decide how to get the family and their gear down the mountain safely. The further your family can get from the mountain, the safer they will be. 5 th Grade Challenge: Mountaintop Adventure Video Link /video/avalanche-skier?source=relatedvideo /video/avalanche-skier?source=relatedvideo

10 Targeted Standards Math 5.NBT.B.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. SPI 506.2.5 Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and decimals. Science SPI 0507.10.1 Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy. SPI 0507.11.1 Explain the relationship that exists among mass, force, and distance traveled SPI 0507.12.1 Recognize that the earth attracts objects without touching them. SPI 0507.12.2 Identify the force that causes objects to fall to the earth.

11 Scaffolding Skills Chart Introduce challenge early in instruction Discuss skills/topics that have already been taught or need to be taught Provide connections and integration Share the materials and resources if the entire STEM team is not here Remember all resources will be available on the Wiki

12 Fractions and Decimals Connection Understanding of fractions is an important connection to decimal equivalency and place value Decimals are fractions with denominators of 10 and 100

13 TARGET: Add and subtract fractions using pattern blocks.

14 Pattern Blocks Discovery With your shoulder partner, sort the pattern blocks. Find one yellow hexagon. Using only one shape at a time, how many different combinations of blocks can you make that are equivalent to one yellow hexagon. Draw and record in notebooks.

15 The green triangle is what fraction of the blue rhombus? 12

16 The red trapezoid is what fraction of the yellow hexagon? 12

17 How can and both be equivalent to ? 12

18 The blue rhombus is what fraction of the yellow hexagon? 13

19 The green triangle is what fraction of the red trapezoid? 13

20 How can and both be equivalent to ? 13

21 The green triangle is what fraction of the yellow hexagon? 16

22 Using Pattern Blocks to Add and Subtract Fractions One yellow hexagon is equivalent to one whole – add to notebooks

23 Show:13 +13 + Shade on each hexagon, combine like shapes. = = 2 3

24 Show:23 +12 += = 1 1 6 What fraction skill does this conceptually show?

25 Show: 1 1 23 +12 + = = 3 16

26 Show:23 -12 =16 =

27 Show: 1 1 23-12

28 23 -12

29 23-12 =16

30 Exit Card Using pattern blocks, draw and model how to solve 1/6 + 1/2 in your notebooks. (1 hexagon as the whole)

31 Think About It 1.Draw a representation of how to use pattern blocks to multiply fractions. 2.How are fractions and decimals connected? 3.Which do you think should be taught first and why?

32 Decimal Connections to Fractions Decimals are fractions. In fact, they should be much easier for students to understand due to the base ten representation. Most resources state that fractions should be taught before decimals. Important to use correct naming of decimal numbers to understand whole to part. It is usually easy for students to work with money, but they don’t see money as decimal or fractional amounts.

33 Target 5.NBT.B.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

34 Decimal Manipulatives/Representations: Money (to see fractional amounts) Making “Cents” of Decimals: Dump out 100 pennies and identify heads or tails – place pennies on a 100 chart – note how many of each on t-chart. Add decimal amounts based on amount of heads or tails. Have students represent with decimal amounts. Use dime for an extension. These resources/activities are on the Wiki.

35 Decimal Manipulatives/Representations: Money (real world) Money Task: You want to purchase an Xbox One for $499.50. Your parents tell you that all of the family needs to be involved in earning the money to buy it. So they let you practice with a check book register. You will make deposits, make withdrawals, and write checks (recording all in the register) in order to keep track of the finances. Your family account will begin with a balance of $600.00. These resources/activities are on the Wiki.

36 DatePayment/Depo sit Amount of Payment Amount of Deposit Opening Balance $600.00 Like a CHECK REGISTER

37 7/14 You are mowing lawns in your neighborhood to buy an Xbox One for the family. The rate for mowing lawns is $10.00 per lawn. You mowed three lawns, your sister mowed 2 lawns, and your brother mowed half a lawn before he broke the lawn mower. You all deposited your money into the account toward the purchase. 7/15 You wrote a check to Pet Palace to buy your new dog, Bongo, for $99.00 and his accessories which cost $18.96. 7/16 You found a $20.00 bill under the seat in the car and you used it to buy ice cream for $4.37. You deposited the rest of the money. Transactions

38 Using Base Ten Blocks to Add and Subtract Decimals

39 How do you multiply decimals? 5 x 0.7 2.3 x 1.8 Solve these two problems in your notebooks. Check with your shoulder partner to see if you agree on the answer.

40 Multiplication of Decimals Predict the answer before multiplying. Show the difference between multiplying the 2 whole numbers and the 2 decimals

41 Decimal Manipulatives/Representations: Base Ten Blocks Multiplying decimals with base ten blocks/area models

42 Decimal Manipulatives/Representations: Decimal Tape Measure/Meter Stick Measurement tools can be used as number line representations to add and subtract. Metric measurements work well to represent decimals due to the base 10 representation.

43 How do you divide these decimals? 78.4 ÷ 0.7 2.7 ÷ 0.3 Solve these two problems in your notebooks. Check with your shoulder partner to see if you agree on the answer.

44 Division of Decimals Predict the answer before dividing. Show the difference between dividing the 2 whole numbers and the 2 decimals

45 Think About It 1.On a post-it note, list other representations/manipulatives that you have used to teach decimal concepts and put on chart paper. 2.We will post the list on the Wiki.

46 Lunch 11:30-12:45

47 Measuring Weight and Mass (there is a difference) Confusion of mass and weight/corresponding tools and units Mass represents amount of matter, can be measured with a balance scale and can be represented with metric measurements like grams. Weight represents the amount of gravitational pull, can be measured with a spring scale/bathroom scales and can be represented in either measurement (pounds, ounces, grams).

48 Measuring Mass with a Balance A balance uses counterweights to measure mass. Elementary schools usually have the inexpensive plastic balances. Mass stays the same unless the amount of matter is changed. Mass does not change in other environments.

49 Measuring Weight with a Spring Scale? ● A spring scale is a simple device used to measure force or weight (not mass). ● If you have ever stood on a bathroom scale, you have used a spring scale. ● The scales in the produce section of the grocery store are also spring scales.

50 Video Link weight-209500 weight-209500

51 To Use a Spring Scale: 1. First, make sure the indicator lines up with the top of the zero line. 2. If it does not, use the metal tab or the nut at the top of the spring scale to adjust it. 3. Make your adjustments in small increments. 4. Frequently check your scale for accuracy while you are taking measurements.

52 1.Hang the object to be measured from the spring scale hook. 2.Read the grams scale for weight. To Use a Spring Scale:

53 A family of four (mom, dad, and 2 kids) is taking a late winter vacation on a snowy mountaintop. The snowmobiles take the family and all their gear up the mountain to the campsite. They get an alert that the temperature has risen and an avalanche warning has been issued. They need to get off the mountain quickly along with as much equipment as possible. Using the sleds, decide how to get the family and their gear down the mountain safely. The further your family can get from the mountain, the safer they will be. 5 th Grade Challenge: Mountaintop Adventure

54 Targeted Standards Math 5.NBT.B.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. SPI 506.2.5 Solve addition and subtraction problems involving both fractions and decimals Science SPI 0507.10.1 Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy. SPI 0507.11.1 Explain the relationship that exists among mass, force, and distance traveled SPI 0507.12.1 Recognize that the earth attracts objects without touching them. SPI 0507.12.2 Identify the force that causes objects to fall to the earth.

55 Table of Weights (on Wiki) (represented with pennies)

56 Challenge: Mountaintop Adventure As a team, weigh each bundle with the spring scale and record measurements in the chart. Now determine what will be put on each sled based on the sled (styrofoam trays) allowance and the weights (pennies) of the bundles. Show equations and record. Test your sled on the ramp and measure the distance traveled. Record results in the chart – put chart in notebooks.

57 Challenge Extension Add or separate items for sleds to make it harder to decide what to take and what to leave. Use other types of scales or balances to measure the weight/mass.

58 Think About It 1.Think about other ways that the spring scales could be used with other standards in Science or Math. 2.How will you use this challenge in your classroom?

59 Closure Target: Increase content knowledge of identified Tennessee Education Standards for Math as measured through a STEM challenge. Remember to check out the Wiki Remember to share information with rest of team (Math and Science) Remember to bring back the notebook and vertical progression book Take with you: composition books, vertical progression books, tape measures, and pattern blocks

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