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Woodcock-Johnson® III

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1 Woodcock-Johnson® III
NOTE: Copyright date: (Revision of WJ-R published in 1989) Published in Fall 2000 by: Riverside Publishing Company, a Houghton Mifflin Company 425 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143

2 Organization WJ III Forms A & B 10 tests 10 tests
Cognitive Achievement Standard Battery Extended Battery Extended Battery 10 tests tests 12 clusters clusters 12 tests tests 10 clusters clusters Forms A & B NOTE: 2 test books are now called: Standard Battery and Extended Battery (was Standard & Supplemental in WJ-R)

3 Author Team Dr. Richard Woodcock Dr. Kevin McGrew Dr. Nancy Mather
NOTE: Dr. Richard Woodcock - Senior Author (co-author of test, Technical Manual, Examiner’s Manuals, & software) Dr. Kevin McGrew - author (co-author of test, Technical Manual, norms construction, factor analysis, etc.) Dr. Nancy Mather - author (co-author of test, Examiner’s Manuals) Dr. Kevin McGrew Dr. Nancy Mather Dr. Richard Woodcock

4 Revision Goals Make WJ III the most valid, comprehensive, co-normed system for measuring cognitive & achievement abilities Build on CHC theory of cognitive abilities Enhance diagnostic capabilities Update & expand national norms Improve test kit materials Include scoring software with test NOTE: All these goals were met. *Careful construction, based on Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory improved validity and comprehensiveness of entire battery. * New clusters and discrepancy procedures provide increased diagnostic capabilities. *New norms - include years, grades K including 1st year graduate school norms (new to WJ III) *Test materials - test books are smaller & lighter! More compact - will fit on desks/tables more easily. High quality materials, color art, etc. *Software included with each test kit - Compuscore & Profiles Program NOTE: all scores are generated by software (except raw scores & estimated AE/GE for individual tests)

5 National Norm Sample Co-normed nationally representative norm sample for the cognitive and achievement battery: 8,818 participants Preschool 1,143 K ,783 College/University 1,165 Adult 1,843 Ages years, Grades K 100 geographically diverse communities Urbanization and SES characteristics 10 specific individual & community variables NOTE: Stratified sampling design: Data gathered 9/96 - 5/99 (school age); 9/96-3/99 (university); 8/96-8/99 (preschool & adult) 3-stage sampling plan: communities, schools, subjects 10 variables: (2000 census projections) Census Region - Northeast, Midwest, South,West Community Size - Central City & Urban Fringe (>50,000), Larger community (10,000-49,999), Smaller community (<10,000) Sex - male, female Race - White, Black, American Indian, Asian and Pacific Islander Hispanic - Hispanic, non-Hispanic Type of school - public, private, home (secondary, elementary) Type of college/university - 2-yr., 4-yr. (public, private) Education of adults - <9th grade, <HS diploma, HS diploma, 1-3 yrs. College, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or higher Occupational status of adults - employed, unemployed, not in labor force Occupation of adults in labor force - professional/managerial; technical/sales/administrative; service (includes Armed Forces or police); farming/forestry/fishing; precision product/craft/repair; operative/fabricator/laborer CONSULT TECHNICAL MANUAL - Chapter 2 for more information.

6 Norm Sites NOTE: Communities targeted for selection based on the characteristics of geographic distribution, size of community, and SES characteristics. Norming sites are listed in Appendix A of Examiner’s Manuals.

7 Getting Ready to Test Know purpose of testing
Strive for exact & brisk administration Allow adequate time for testing Have necessary materials (test books, test record, subject response booklet, tape, tape player, headphones, pencils, stopwatch) Establish rapport (complete subject identification information) Evaluate behavior during testing (use Test Session Observations Checklist)

8 Subject Response Booklet
Have SRB available when necessary. Point to columns or pages as directed while holding SRB. Place in front of subject when directed. Remove from subject when directed. On timed tests, direct subject to “cross out” responses he or she wishes to change. Remind subjects to work row by row if it appears they are skipping around.

9 Test Session Observations Checklist Observation Checklist
NOTE: Appears on the front cover of each Test Record (COG & ACH). When completed, information can be entered into software and will be reported in Summary Report. (up to two observers)

10 General Administration Points
Follow standardized procedures for each test Use Suggested Starting Points Know basal/ceiling rules for each test Know pronunciation of items Do not penalize for mispronunciations due to speech difficulties, regional or dialect differences Test by complete pages when stimulus is visible on subject’s page Score last response given

11 Suggested Starting Points
Provided to reduce unnecessary testing time Use subject’s present estimated ability or achievement level Located on first page after tab in Test Book Suggested Starting Points Subject’s Estimated Preschool to Grades Grade 8 to Ability Grade to Adult Begin With Item Item Sample Item D Page 271 Page Below

12 Timed Tests Use a stopwatch whenever possible.
If stopwatch is not available, use watch or clock with second hand. Record exact starting and stopping times. Adhere to the time limits for each timed test or item. (noted in Test Book and Test Record) If subject finishes test before limit, record exact finishing time in minutes and seconds. Software makes an adjustment.

13 Taped Tests Set up tape player in advance.
Look away from subject while item is being presented. At the double beep, look at the subject to encourage a response. Use the pause button, if needed. Do not repeat items unless indicated in the instructions.

14 Basal / Ceiling Rules Provide guides for minimizing testing time
Allow estimates of score as if all items had been administered Basal: The lowest set of consecutive correct responses specified, or Item 1 Ceiling: The highest set of consecutive incorrect responses specified, the last item, or the time limit Noted in Test Book and Test Record

15 Levels of Interpretive Information
Level 1 Qualitative, informal, error analysis Useful for instructional planning Test Session Observations Checklist Useful for behavioral observations Level 2 Level of Development Age Equivalent Level of Instruction Grade Equivalent Level 3 Level of Proficiency Relative Proficiency Index, CALP Easy to Difficult Range Developmental/Instructional Zone Level 4 Relative Standing in Group Standard Scores Rank Order Percentile Ranks Significantly high or low standing SD DIFF, Discrepancy PR NOTES:

16 Scores Available Raw Scores (number correct, number of points, or number of errors) Age or Grade Equivalents (reflects age or grade level at which average score is same as subject’s raw score) RPIs or CALP levels (RPI=0/90 to 100/90) (CALP=1-5, negligible to advanced) Standard Scores, Percentile Rank (Mean=100, SD=15) Range: SS= , PR=0.1 to 99.9 Discrepancy Scores (SD, PR) NOTES:

17 Age or Grade Profiles Developmental Zone or Instructional Zone
Easy (RPI=96/90) to difficult (RPI=75/90) range Length of band reflects rate of growth Wide = period of development with little growth Narrow = period of development when growth is rapid Gsm Gv 11-9 6-1 >20

18 Gc Glr Gv Ga Gf Gs Gsm 15-3 15-7 7-6 11-9 6-7 12-4 6-1
Chris’s chronological age = 11-1 >20 >21 99/ 79/ 91/ 64/ 93/ 10/ RPI PR

19 Oral Lang. Total ACH B. Reading B. Math B. W. Lang. Basic RS Basic WS
7-7 10-4 8-11 8-2 12-9 8-1 7-5 Oral Lang. Total ACH B. Reading B. Math B. W. Lang. Basic RS Basic WS Chris’s chronological age = 11-1 87/ 54/ 11/ 96/ 47/ 3/ 9/ RPI PR

20 Standard Score/Percentile Rank Profiles
Range of scores that contain subject’s true score at a 68% level of confidence (+/- 1 SEM) Evaluate significance of difference between any 2 tests of clusters (statistical probability statements) SS < >160 PR < >99.9 If confidence bands overlap, assume no significant difference exists.

21 SS < >160 PR < >99.9 If separation between bands is less than the width of the wider band, assume a possible significant difference exists. If separation between bands is greater than the width of the wider band, assume a significant difference exists. SS < >160 PR < >99.9

22 Oral Lang. Total ACH B. Reading B. Math B. W. Lang. Basic RS Basic WS
Average SS < >160 PR < >99.9 Oral Lang. Total ACH B. Reading B. Math B. W. Lang. Basic RS Basic WS SS < >160 PR < >99.9 SS < >160 PR < >99.9 SS < >160 PR < >99.9 SS < >160 PR < >99.9 SS < >160 PR < >99.9 SS < >160 PR < >99.9

23 Discrepancy Standard Deviation
Discrepancy Norms Allow comparison of subject’s discrepancy score to average discrepancy score for subjects (same age or grade) with the same ability score (intra-ability) or same predicted score (ability/achievement). Discrepancy Percentile Rank Percent of norm group (age or grade) with similar size discrepancy Discrepancy PR of 3 indicates 3% of the norm group (age or grade) would have a score the same or lower. Discrepancy PR of 97 indicates 3% of the norm group (age or grade) would have a score the same or higher. Difference in units of the standard error of estimate between the actual and the predicted score. Discrepancy SD of indicates that the subject’s discrepancy is 1.5 SDs below the mean Discrepancy SD of +1.5 indicates that the subject’s discrepancy is 1.5 SDs above the mean Discrepancy Standard Deviation

24 Discrepancy Procedures
Intra-Ability Intra-Cognitive Intra-Achievement Intra-Individual Ability/Achievement GIA (STD or EXT) Predicted Achievement Oral Language Ability Cognitive Abilities Achievement Oral Language GIA or Predicted Achievement Cognitive Abilities Achievement Oral Language NOTES: Two main types of discrepancy procedures: 1. Intra-Ability 2. Ability/Achievement Intra-Ability consists of 3 procedures: (bi-directional-equal interest in all things being compared) Intra-cognitive (uses 3 Cognitive Performance-Std clusters OR 7 CHC factors) Intra-achievement (uses 4 broad Ach clusters, or 9 specific clusters) Intra-individual (compares all COG & ACH clusters administered) Ability/Achievement consists of 3 procedures: (unidirectinal - one side predicts other) GIA (Std or Ext) compared to ACH (4 broad or 9 specific areas) Predicted Achievement clusters (Cog Tests 1-7 differentially weighted) compared to ACH (all options) Oral Language-Ext. cluster to ACH (all options - except Oral Language) Cognitive Abilities Achievement Oral Language Cognitive Abilities Achievement Oral Language Cognitive Abilities Achievement Oral Language

25 Compuscore and Profiles Program

26 Compuscore & Profiles Program
Generates all scores and profiles Creates a Score Report Age/Grade, SS/PR profiles Summary Report (Spanish option) NOTE: This program calculates all derived scores for all tests, clusters, and discrepancy calculations. It generates a brief narrative summary report (English or Spanish), a table of scores, and plots AE/GE and SS/PR profiles. The interpretive software (for the WJ-R - the Woodcock Scoring and Interpretive Program [WSIP]) will be published one year after the WJ III release. Although there is no hand scoring, examiners will continue to be able to use the Scoring Table in the Test Record to obtain an estimated grade and/or age equivalent for most tests. (not Delayed Recall tests) CD-ROM and disks included with each test kit (Compatible with Windows® and Macintosh®)

27 Make sure data file is open.
To select reports Scores Summary & Scores Age/Grade Profiles SS/PR Profiles Subject Data Record

28 Check to report GIA or BIA Choose English or Spanish
Select norms Choose discrepancy Check to report GIA or BIA Choose English or Spanish

29 Requires COG tests 1-7 Requires COG tests 1-7 & 11-17 Requires ACH tests 3, 4, 14, 15

30 Requires COG & ACH Requires COG or ACH or both

31 Change confidence band Change discrepancy cutoff level
Add additional score Change confidence band Change discrepancy cutoff level Change raw score to w score

32 To select year-round school 10 options ranging from/to

33 Select additional score
Required for delayed recall tests

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