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Ministerie van Economische Zaken 1 SenterNovem is een agentschap van dr. ir. Matthijs Soede Poznan, 15 January 2007 Elements of a good project to the European.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministerie van Economische Zaken 1 SenterNovem is een agentschap van dr. ir. Matthijs Soede Poznan, 15 January 2007 Elements of a good project to the European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministerie van Economische Zaken 1 SenterNovem is een agentschap van dr. ir. Matthijs Soede Poznan, 15 January 2007 Elements of a good project to the European Commission

2 At the start 1.Be aware that it is a competition 2.Understand the process 3.Good project has to be presented in a proposal

3 It is a competition…. Play according to the rules of the competition –Workprogramma  kind of play –Guide for applicants  how to play –Evaluators  referees

4 Structure proposal A-part –A1 ‘Our idea’ – project outline –A2 ‘Who we are’ details from all partners –A3 ‘What it costs’

5 Structure proposal B-part 1.1. Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art 1.3 S/T methodology/description project and associated workplan 2.1 Management structure and procedures 2.2 Individual participants 2.3 Consortium as a whole 2.4 Resources to be committed 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and mangement of intellectual property rights (IPR) 4. Ethical issues

6 Structure proposal B-part 1.1. Concept and objectives 1.2 Progress beyond the state-of-the-art 1.3 S/T methodology/description project and associated workplan 2.1 Management structure and procedures 2.2 Individual participants 2.3 Consortium as a whole 2.4 Resources to be committed 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and mangement of intellectual property rights (IPR). Ethical issues

7 Scientific/technical quality Objectives Problem State of the art Innovation ! S/T methodology/description project and associated workplan

8 Keywords in the project Structure GANTT chart, PERT chart work plan work packages tasks deliverables milestones

9 Structure


11 From structure to timing Gantt chart

12 TIME Delivera- ble No Deliverable titleDelivery date Natur e Dissemina- tion level D 1.1Report on the local situation into how prepared different countries (which countries?) are in doing R&D. The findings will be presented, discussed and acted upon at an international workshop promoting: Investing in R&D – an Action Plan for the EU. 4RPP D 1.2Professional case-studies (videos + flyers) to convince SMEs and other organisations on the benefits of doing R&D in nano, and/or mat and/or pro. (delierable) 8OPU D1.3Professional modular NCP Toolbox. for organising custom-made seminars/info days, tailored to the audience. 12OPU D 1.4Establischment of an online forum to support healthy discussions and knowledgesharing between NCPs. 4OPP

13 Implementation Management structure and procedures Individual participants Consortium as a whole

14 Management structure Important: –Logical structure –Who is responsible for what? –Way of communication?

15 Individual Partners - Consortium Excellence Experience in relevant area Facilities Complementarity, balance Possibilities for exploitation – end users European dimension

16 Impact Contribution, at the European and/or international level, the expected impacts listed the work porgramme under the relevant topic/activity Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and exploitation of project results and management of intellectual property

17 Impact


19 General control parameters Timing  When Quality  What and level Finance  Resources Information  State of the art, results, reporting Organisation  Internal and external cooperation and organisation


21 FP7 on Cordis tml tml SenterNovem/EG-Liaison Dr. Ir. Matthijs Soede ( Tel: +31 70 3735250

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