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2/5/2016 Welcome! 2015-16 Solorio Elementary Mrs. Kennedy 1 st Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "2/5/2016 Welcome! 2015-16 Solorio Elementary Mrs. Kennedy 1 st Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/5/2016 Welcome! 2015-16 Solorio Elementary Mrs. Kennedy 1 st Grade

2 2/5/2016 Introduction  12 th year at Solorio teaching first grade  Masters of Arts in Education  Married, 4 children

3 2/5/2016 Snacks and Lunches  Snack recess is at 9:50  Lunch is at 11:05-11:45-$2.75 for lunch, 50 cents for milk or water  Play first and eat last  Pay for lunch on line-visit Etiwanda School District website

4 2/5/2016 Classroom Policies  Rules  Consequences  Rewards-individual/ whole class  Behavior chart in homework binder- view daily  Prize box

5 2/5/2016 All Star of the Week  Each child will have the opportunity to be Star of the Week.  Poster  Estimation jar-no peanuts  Share-books, trophy etc.

6 2/5/2016 Curriculum  Language Arts  Math  Social Studies  Science  and  Art/Music on Fridays  P.E. –Wed. and Fri. 12:35-1:20-A note will be required to excuse your child from P.E.

7 2/5/2016 Book Orders  Book orders will be offered several times during the year.  Fill out order form  One payment for all orders is acceptable  Order on line

8 2/5/2016 Birthdays  Due to allergies, your child may bring in a non food item (stickers, pencils etc.) to share with the class.  We will have a party at the end of the year to celebrate everyone’s birthday.

9 2/5/2016 Medication  Medication will be administered in the office  Contact office to make arrangements

10 2/5/2016 AR Program  Go on Solorio website to find out AR books  Read with your child 20 minutes daily  Ask questions throughout story  Read the book at least twice before taking a test  Incentives from school-library  Roary’s Reading Royalty Program”. The program involves students reading AR books and earning points in order to attend PTA provided treat parties.

11 2/5/2016 Homework/Class work  Homework binder- return on daily basis  Reading Logs-read daily for 20 minutes  Unfinished work in classroom-your child will have time throughout the day to complete their work.  Incomplete work will be sent home to be finished If not completed your child’s grade can be lowered.  Look through homework binder daily  High frequency words

12 2/5/2016 Report Cards/Conference  Report cards  Parent conference/Sign up for day and time  Progress report-You may look at your child’s progress report and grades on ESPRI. Get your child’s number from the office.  If a score is below satisfactory on assignments, I will send it home to have it signed. Please return it back the next school day.

13 Grading System  Explanation of grading system  O-Oustanding, G-Good,  S-Satisfactory,N-Need Improvement,U-Unsatisfactory  2/5/2016

14 2/5/2016 Parental Involvement  Volunteer sign up/ Times 8:00-9:50 A volunteer form will have to be filled out before helping in classroom or field trips  Field trips  Newsletter-Would like to have everyone's email  Donations (glue sticks, incentives, baby wipes) The donations are listed on my teacher website and on the desk.

15 Dress Code  Comfortable shoes, no sandals with a back strap.  Tank tops are allowed as long as it’s 2 inches wide.  Dress Code policy is on the Etiwanda website. 2/5/2016

16 Helpful Information  150 sight words  Ball and stick  How to help your child  Unity Poem  Schedule  TeacherWeb

17 2/5/2016 Chromebooks  We have Chromebooks for each student. Your child will be using them for AR tests, centers and practicing reading using Reading A to Z.  Your child will have their own username and password and can practice these skills at home.  If your child has a restriction not to use Google, he/she will not be able to use these services.

18 Remind  If you would like to sign up for Remind, I can text you reminders to you. Text 81010 Message @a70bae You will be set up and will receive text messages from me. 2/5/2016

19 E3 Fun Run  Great News! Our E3 will be on October 3 rd at Central Park off of Milliken and Baseline. Flyers will be sent home. Please try to sign up and get some exercise 2/5/2016

20 Questions? 2/5/2016

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