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1–1 Analyzing Qualitative Data Based on the book Educational Research by Johnson and Christensen (2013).

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1 1–1 Analyzing Qualitative Data Based on the book Educational Research by Johnson and Christensen (2013).

2 Basic Definitions Interim AnalysisInterim Analysis MemoingMemoing CodingCoding EnumerationEnumeration 1–2

3 Interim Analysis Cyclical process of collecting and analyzing dataCyclical process of collecting and analyzing data  Often need for more data felt when available data analyzed  The cycle continues until no significant insights gained 1–3

4 Memoing Reflectives notes about what you are learning from your data analysisReflectives notes about what you are learning from your data analysis Diary or post-it-notesDiary or post-it-notes Very useful as memory lapse is certain to happen over the course of timeVery useful as memory lapse is certain to happen over the course of time 1–4

5 Coding Qualitative Data Read Transcribed data and divide into meaningful analytic unitsRead Transcribed data and divide into meaningful analytic units These units are marked with symbols, signs, descriptive words, or category namesThese units are marked with symbols, signs, descriptive words, or category names 1–5

6 1–6

7 1–7

8 Hierarchical Categorization 1–8

9 Typologies (Categorization on two axis) 1–9

10 Enumeration Process of quantifying dataProcess of quantifying data  Example: how many times the word ”inflation” occured in the speech of the prime minister 1–10

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