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Domestic Violence Leanne Donahue Laurie Hoyt Amanda Brousseau.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Violence Leanne Donahue Laurie Hoyt Amanda Brousseau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Violence Leanne Donahue Laurie Hoyt Amanda Brousseau

2 Statistics  “It is estimated that one in every five women faces some form of violence during her lifetime, in some cases leading to serious injury or death.” -World Health Organization  Women accounted for 85% of the victims of intimate partner violence, men for approximately 15%. -Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief

3 Statistics continued…  Every 16 seconds, a woman in the U.S. is beaten. -The Federal Bureau of Investigation  34% of men and women have directly witnessed an incidence of domestic violence.  81 out of every 100 men who beat their wives watched their fathers beat their mothers or were abused themselves. -U.S. Department of Justice

4 Patterns of Domestic Violence  Four Patterns of Domestic Violence 1) Situational Couple Violence 2) Mutual Violent Control 3) Violent Reisitance 4) Intimate Terrorism  Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that is used by one person in a relationship to exert power and control over another person.  It is the psychological, physical, and sexual abuse of an intimate partner

5 Power and Control Cycle  Does not happen over night. It’s a cycle/pattern that builds and repeats over time.  1) Honeymoon stage (Absence of Battering) 2) Tension Building 3) Tension Escalates 4) Explosion/ Violent Episode 1) Honeymoon stage (starts again)

6 Abuse Often Includes Many Forms  Verbal  Emotional  Monitoring (friends, car and computer use, etc)  Stalking (could be a stranger)  Physical Violence  Sexual Violence

7 Indicators of Domestic Violence  Fear of your partner  Unpredictable temper  Partners ignores your opinions and ideas  Partner blames you for their behavior  Treats you as an object not a person  Separates you from friends and family  Extreme controlling behaviors

8 Indicators of Domestic Violence  Injuries and excuses for injuries  Absences from work/school  Withdrawing from family and friends  Low self-esteem  Personality changes  Fear of conflict and of their partner  Not having ones own opinion  Self blame

9 Indicators in Children of Domestic Violence at Home  Withdrawal/Avoidance  Aggression  Class-clown  Taking on adult roles  Avoiding talk of home  Defensive when talking about home

10 Ending the Cycle  It can take someone several attempts to break free from the cycle of abuse due to the psychological impact of being abused.  Contact friend or family member.  Make arrangements for a safe place to stay.  Contact local authorities.

11  For local referrals or confidential counseling, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800- 799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TDD). For emergencies, please call your local police at 911.National Domestic Violence Hotline  Susan B. Anthony in Torrington, (860) 489-3798  Prudence Crandell in New Britain, (860) 225-6357

12 Staff Response  If concerned that a student is witnessing domestic violence at home, please let a school counselor, social worker or administrator know immediately.

13 A Human Right to… I have the right to:  Be treated with respect  My own body, thoughts, opinions, and property  Have my needs be as important as my partner's  Not take responsibility for my partner's behavior  Keep my friends  Grow as an individual  Change my mind  Determine how much time I want to spend with my partner  Pay my own way  Assert myself  Not be abused physically, emotionally, psychologically, or sexually  Break-up, fall out of love, and leave a relationship

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