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Arundel High School “Working Smarter Not Harder” Working together to create host environments…

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Presentation on theme: "Arundel High School “Working Smarter Not Harder” Working together to create host environments…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arundel High School “Working Smarter Not Harder” Working together to create host environments…

2 Introductions Team Leader: Sheila Brooks Teachers: Sarah Poole, Marla McMullen, Marianne Ogle, Anne Mackenzie, Frank Hood, and Sydatris Smith Parents: Lisa Eliot, Julian and Freda Flood Students: Danielle Bagley, Francell Flood School Psychologist: Pat Cain-Hagan Counselor: Sue Young Administrator: Merlene Clarke Arundel High School –Enrollment: 2020 students, 9 th -12 th grade –Principal: Sharon Stratton

3 Analyze the sustained PBIS structure at Arundel High School Examine how data is collected and shared between administration and staff Recognize how the program can be formatted to suit each individual school Outcomes





8 Proof of PRIDE Purpose –Encourage positive behavior –Increase student teacher interaction –Improve school climate Deposited in cafeteria –Weekly/Quarterly drawings –PRIDE Store (School Store) Issuing Teacher Recognized

9 Forms of Data Media Center- observing frequency of buck distribution Cafeteria and PRIDE store – calculating buck collection SWIS/SASI- identifying high fliers and matching data to the climate

10 Where we were…

11 Where we are going…

12 “Honeymoon Phase” Referrals up in some areas Feb/March SWIS/SASI data discovery 2100 Bucks distributed in March (70 per teacher) To date we have collected PRIDEMulti Non SpecTotal #s292242196512149184882

13 Administration and Data Receiving Data –RST and SIT examine SWIS/SASI data in meetings –Staff meetings address data when examining issues of the school

14 Administration and Data Using Data –Administrative Duties arranged around SWIS/SASI data –Change of teacher duties (breakfast and lunch) due to data –Order in which the buses are set up outside of the school –School psychologist and guidance counselor using “Why Try?” Program –Daily Check-in/Check-out

15 Teachers and Data Receiving Data –Data distributed at faculty meetings and emails –In-service new teachers on PBIS –Working on… Professional Development how to use the MIRs/referrals as communication tools with the student and parent

16 Teacher’s and Data Using Data –Pride Bucks used as bathroom or homework passes –Classroom recognition drawings (P.E. classes) –Identifying high fliers and implementing interventions –Addressing Instructional Practices Common Course Syllabi Conscious Classroom Management Brain- Based Learning

17 Physical Education Power Point PRIDE in the Classroom PRIDE 1A Positive Words Only Bring Pen Raise Hand Do Homework Ready at the Bell 2A 3A 4A Student matrix completed during the first two days of classes every semester

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