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 Keep the database UI simple and in plain English (as best as possible).  Consistent registrant UI across TVBDAs and FCC’s unlicensed registration request.

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2  Keep the database UI simple and in plain English (as best as possible).  Consistent registrant UI across TVBDAs and FCC’s unlicensed registration request website.  Fast inter-database synchronization (seems to be a non-issue at this time).  Security  Biases (i.e. Google’s 30 Jan 2012 ECFS Comment).

3 ∙ Less time spent on website by registrant. ∙ Fewer instances of multiple TVBD registrations. ∙ Less TVBDA time spent responding to registrant inquiries. ∙ Less complaints to FCC. ∙ More accurate and timely information from registrants. (More faith in system). ∙ More channels available for TVBDs more often.

4  All databases, including FCC’s, should use same or very similar page layout, fields, pop up explanations, formatting, etc. (We’ll help design it.)  Some sort of help menu and/or field explanation.  Common formatting understandable by non-RF engineers and non-developers. ◦ Lat/Lon in DD:MM:SS ◦ Registrant vs owner  Simple web pages to be workable over slow internet connections and small screens (phones and sub-tablets).

5  Wireless microphone (and MVPD) registrations must have a security mechanism: For example, user name and password on a per registration basis in addition to any call sign and/or FRN required. (Do not require username to match licensee name).

6  Autonomous database tests are one thing; are tests for databases 3-9 going to test inter-database synchronization, and if so what will the metrics be for success/failure?  Can the FCC unlicensed wireless microphone registration system and TVBDAs registration UIs be the same or similar ?

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