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Communication efforts FCC-ee 12.11.14 FCC-ee Physics Coordination Meeting 1 Cristina Martín Pérez

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Presentation on theme: "Communication efforts FCC-ee 12.11.14 FCC-ee Physics Coordination Meeting 1 Cristina Martín Pérez"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication efforts FCC-ee 12.11.14 FCC-ee Physics Coordination Meeting 1 Cristina Martín Pérez

2 Presence in external media We had some informal chats with journalists: – D. Larousserie (Le Monde) – A. Khalatbari (Science et Avenir) Interest and long term contact with some others (Spanish and French media mainly). More addresses of other journalists in (your) countries for further promotion of FCC-ee will be appreciated. Media corner in website enabled  Find the instructions to upload articles at the end of the talk 2

3 Interviews and “Meet us” section 7 interviews to scientists done during the workshop as part of the 8 th Workshop article. Proposal of a “Meet us” section on the website: – Under “Contact/Join us” – Conveners of working groups – Name, position, photo – FCC-ee statements (challenges, prospects,…): one or two paragraphs – I will contact you for this soon 3

4 Proposals for poster 9 th FCC-ee Physics Workshop 4 -River Arno (Pisa) -Famous curve = Circular -“Luminara” = Luminosity 1.

5 2. 5 -Scuola Normale Superiore (Palazzo della Carovana) -Picture from inside tunnel entrance Tower of Conte Ugolino

6 Instructions to upload documents to the FCC-ee website Publications Past talks Future talks Material for each working group External press releases 6

7 Steps to upload Publications to the website 7 1. Enter and sign in with your CERN account 2. Click “Add content” (top left) 3. Select “Publication” 4. Fill in the form: a. Title of the publication as it appears in the paper b. Author(s) of the publication. Introduce First name as an initial! c. Several authors can be added by clicking here (add one at a time) d. Select the date of the publication in the pop-up calendar

8 e. Enter the arXiv number of the publication or the platform where it was published f. Select the text and link it to the document URL: Make sure the protocol is http, not https Enter URL here In “Target”, select “New window”, so the document opens in a new browser window g. Enter the Submitter of the paper, with the First name as an initial 5. Click “Save” (down left) 6. Check it was published correctly by going to “Archive” > “Publications” on the main menu of the website! 8

9 Steps to upload Past talks to the website 1. Enter and log in with your CERN account 2. Click “Add content” (top left) 3. Select “Past talk” 4. Fill in the form: 9 a. Title of the talk as it appears in the slides b. Title of the talk as it appears in the slides c. Select the title text and link it to the document URL

10 d. Author(s) of the talk. Introduce First name as an initial! e. Several authors can be added by clicking here (add one at a time) f. Select the date of the talk in the pop-up calendar g. Enter the name of the workshop where the talk was given h. Enter the place of the workshop in the following format: “Institution”, “City” i. If you don’t have a URL for your talk, you can upload the file directly here, under the title “Slides”. If you already have a URL, leave this blank 5. Click “Save” (down left) 6. Check it was published correctly by going to “Events” > “Past talks” on the main menu of the website! 10

11 Steps to upload Future talks to the website 1. Enter and log in with your CERN account 2. Click “Add content” (top left) 3. Select “Future talk” 4. Fill in the form: 11 a. Enter the title of the proposed talk b. Select type of event: -Conference -Symposium c. Enter the name of the event d. Select the text and link it to the event’s official website

12 e. Select the start and end dates of the event in the pop-up calendar g. Enter the title of the talk f. Select the Place in the following format: “City” (“Country”) h. Select talk type: Poster, Invited talk… i. Enter the name of the speaker. If you are searching for speakers, type "t.b.d. - for suggestions or to volunteer please send us an email", select it and link it to Mike's or Alain's email addressMike Alain 5. Click “Save” (down left) 6. Check it was published correctly by going to “Events” > “Future talks” on the main menu of the website! 12

13 13 Steps to upload Material for WGs to the website 1. Enter and log in with your CERN account 2. Click “Add content” (top left) 3. Select “News item” 4. Fill in the form: a. Enter the name of the workshop/conference where the document was shown b. Select the date it was shown in the pop-up calendar c. Select the “WG Material” tag that corresponds to your working group: WG1: "ZMaterial" WG2: "DibosonsMaterial" WG3: "HiggsMaterial" WG4: "TopMaterial" WG5: "QCDMaterial" WG6: "FlavourMaterial" WG7: "NewPhysicsMaterial" WG8: "ExpEnvironmentMaterial" WG9: "OfflineMaterial" WG10: "OnlineMaterial" WG11: "DetectorMaterial"

14 14 d. In the field Short description write the type of document ("Slides”, “PDF”…) e. Select the text and link it to the document’s URL 5. Click “Save” (down left) 6. Check it was published correctly by going to “Organization” > “Experimental Studies” > “WG*” on the main menu of the website! The content is published on the left sidebar of each WG page.

15 Steps to upload Press releases to the website 1. Enter and log in with your CERN account 2. Click “Add content” (top left) 3. Select “Press release” 4. Fill in the form: 15 a. Enter the title of the article b. Enter the title of the article c. Select the title text and link it to the article’s URL

16 d. Enter the name of the media where the article was published e. Enter the date of the publication of the article in the pop-up calendar f. Enter the language in which the article is written 5. Click “Save” (down left) 6. Check it was published correctly by going to “Media corner” on the main menu of the website! 16

17 Contact me if you need any help: Phone: 71504 Office: 40/1-B06 17 Thanks for your attention!

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