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Table Manners Table Manners At A Dinner Party At A Dinner Party 英语组:梁爽 新教师汇报课.

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2 Table Manners Table Manners At A Dinner Party At A Dinner Party 英语组:梁爽 新教师汇报课

3 1.We should cut the food into pieces. 2.We should not put the whole bread in the mouth.

4 We should not talk during the meal.

5 We should use napkin to clean mouth, but not the other things.

6 Table Manners At A Dinner Party 1.What table manners does the text talk about? 2How does the text develop,in the order of content or in the order of time?

7 New words and expressions courseany of the separate parts of a meal We had a dinner of three courses. 1. 2. raiselift or move sth. to a high place 如果你会回答这个问题请举手。 我们的正餐有三道菜。 If you can answer this question,please raise your hand.

8 Language points 1. Knowing them will help you make a good expression. make a good impression 2. Having good table manners means knowing,for example, how to use knives and forks,when …to behave at the table. 3. The knife and fork that are closest to your plate …the ones beside them. 了解这些餐桌礼仪会有助给人留下好印象。 给人留下好印象 在餐桌上,懂礼节意味着你知道如何使用刀叉,什麽时候助 酒以及如何在用餐时举止得当。 Having good table manners 动名词短语做主语,动名词做主语属第三 人称单数,动词要用单数形式,如上句动词 means. 离你的盘子最近的刀叉比他们旁边其他的大一些。 That are closest to your plate 是限定性定语从句,先行词为 the knife and fork.

9 4. Dinner starts with a small dish,which is often called a starter. 正餐常以一道小菜开始,这道菜常称为开胃菜。 start with :at the beginning 开始, 起先 which 引导的句子 为非限定性定从,先行词 为 a small dish. 5. When drinking to someone’s heath, … 为某人健康 祝酒时 , …… drink to : 为 …… 祝酒, 为 …… 干杯 eg : Let’s drink to your success. 为你的成功干杯。

10 Analyze the the whole text together The first part How to lay the table (1)

11 The second part (2)(5) The order of dishes

12 Table Manners

13 The third part (6) We should follow the manners Do in Rome as Romans do. 入乡随俗

14 1.What table manners does the text talk about? 2How does the text develop,in the order of content or in the order of time? How to lay the table,how to use forks and knives, how to behave at the table,how to eat,how to toast and drink. Before the dinner,starting the dinner,having the main course,drinking. In the order of time.

15 Exercises 2.The film _____ _ ____ ________ on me. 3.The concert _____ ____ a beautiful song. 1.Let us ____ __ your success.drink to makes a good impression starts with Fill in the blanks with the expressions we learned in the text.

16 1.Please number the following dishes be served at a dinner party with the right order. dessert drinks main course 1.Please number the following dishes be served at a dinner party with the right order. dessert drinks main course starter soup starter soup 5 4 1 3 2

17 2.Decide which of the following behaviours are polite or impolite at a western dinner party.write “p” (polite) or “I”(impolite) in brackets. ( )1.Use the knife with your right hand. ( )2. Put your napkin on your lap. ( )3. Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you. ( )4. Ask for a second bowl of soup. ( )5. Use your finger when eating chicken. ( )6. Finish eating everything on your plate. ( )7. Talk loudly while eating. ( )8.Make other people drink more spirits than they can take. P P I I P P I I

18 Discussion Discuss the differences between western table manners and Chinese table manners.

19 Western dinner party Chinese dinner party


21 Homework After class read the text more and try to use the useful expressions well. Finish exercise 4 on page 117.


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