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Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse An Animal Report Katie La Date: March 18.

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2 Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse An Animal Report Katie La Date: March 18

3  The Salt Marsh Mouse has a dark brown coat.  The belly and sides are pinkish, cinnamon to yellowish brown.  Its body length ranges from 2.75 to 3.0 inches. The tail can be equal to the body or even longer.  The body weight ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 ounces.

4  The mice like to live in nest. They can live in the bird nests or make their own.  Most of their nests are found in marshes where there is a pickle weed field.  It also likes shady slopes and grassy places.

5  These marsh mice a nocturnal.  At night it feeds on a pickle weed plant and drinks salty water  It eats seeds, fruits, grain, and green vegetation.  In the winter, it eats fresh green grass, and for the rest of the year is pickle weed and slat grass.

6 Body System  Some daily movement of individuals from pickle weed marsh to higher grasslands occurs in a spring and summer or otherwise as a plant cover affords to escape from predators.

7 Survival  The Salt Marsh Mouse is an endangered mammal.  The mouse adapts over time to change their environment by variations in genetic make-up.  Genetic variability allows animals with appropriate genes to respond to change in the environment, like temperature fluctuations

8 Conclusion  The Salt Marsh Mouse is a small primarily nocturnal rodent found in coast salt marsh of San Francisco Bay and its tributaries.  The rodent prefers a tidal costal salt marshes stands of pickleweed marshes are also used to, but only when new grass growth affords suitable cover.

9 Bibliography/Photo Credits   h%20Harvest%20Mouse.jpg h%20Harvest%20Mouse.jpg  _harvest_mouse_lg.gif _harvest_mouse_lg.gif

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