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CS130: Theory of Computation An introductory course on the theory of automata and formal languages: models of machines, languages and grammars, relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "CS130: Theory of Computation An introductory course on the theory of automata and formal languages: models of machines, languages and grammars, relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS130: Theory of Computation An introductory course on the theory of automata and formal languages: models of machines, languages and grammars, relationship of machines and languages, Turing machines and computability

2 Course Syllabus CS130: Theory of Computation ⇨ Course Number: CS130 ⇨ Title: Theory of computation (Automata Theory) ⇨ Course Description: Strings and languages; Type 0, 1, 2, 3 languages, Mealy and Moore finite state machines, state reduction, finite state accepters and regular grammars, pushdown accepters and context free grammars, contruction of LR(1) parsers, Turing machines, unsolvable problems, recursive functions.

3 Course Syllabus CS130: Theory of Computation ⇨ Course Objectives: The students should be able to determine the relationship between machines and grammars, relate machines to tools like lexical analyzers and parsers, and demonstrate some unsolvable problems in computer science

4 Course Syllabus CS130: Theory of Computation ⇨ Course Outline and Timeframe: (about 2 weeks each topic) ● Strings, languages, formal grammars ● Mealy and Moore machines; conversion between Mealy and Moore machines ● State reduction ● Finite state accepters and regular grammars ● Pushdown accepters and context free grammars

5 Course Syllabus CS130: Theory of Computation ⇨ Course outline & Timeframe, cont. ● Contruction of LR(1) parsers ● Turing machines, Turing's thesis and Church's thesis ● Halting problem, word problem, etc ● Recursive functions and evaluation using TMs

6 Course Syllabus CS130: Theory of Computation ⇨ Required readings: ● Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman, “Intro to Automata Theory, Languages, & Computation, 2 nd Ed.” ● Denning, Dennis, Qualitz, “Machines, languages, and computation” ● Aho, Sethi, Ullman, “Compilers: Principles, techniques, and tools” ● Man pages and info pages of flex/lex and bison/yacc

7 Course Requirements ⇨ Exams & Projects ● Written long tests4 tests80% ● Machine project, lexical analyzer, parser, and similar projects20% _____ ⇨ Total100%

8 Grading System ⇨ Numeric to letter grade equiv ● 92A ● 86B+ ● 78B ● 69C+ ● 60C ● 50D ● 0F

9 CS130: Coverage of ACM Topics ⇨ AL5. Basic computability ● Finite-state machines ● Context-free grammars ● Tractable and intractable problems ● Uncomputable functions ● The halting problem ● Implications of uncomputability

10 CS130: Coverage of ACM Topics ⇨ AL7. Automata theory ● Deterministic finite automata (DFAs), Nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs), Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs ● Regular expressions, The pumping lemma for regular expressions ● Push-down automata (PDAs), Relationship of PDAs and context-free grammars, Properties of context-free grammars ● Turing machines, Nondeterministic Turing machines ● Sets and languages ● Chomsky hierarchy ● Church-Turing thesis

11 CS130: Wish List ⇨ See CC2001

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