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Kadampa Center, Raleigh NC For the year ending December 31, 2012 Annual Financial Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Kadampa Center, Raleigh NC For the year ending December 31, 2012 Annual Financial Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kadampa Center, Raleigh NC For the year ending December 31, 2012 Annual Financial Report

2 Approved Budget vs. Actual YTD 2012 Planned Income Actual Income as of 12/31/2012 2012 Planned Expenses Actual Expenses as of 12/31/12 2012 Annual Appeal Results

3 Approved Budget vs. Actual YTD Approved BudgetActual Income$189,200$214,597 Expenses$186,100$171,056 Surplus (Deficit)$3,100$43,541 Checking Account balance @ 12/30$49,550

4 2012 Planned Income Annual Appeal84,00044.4% In-kind Giving20,00010.6% General Dana – Undesignated19,00010.0% Khensur Rinpoche Visit17,0009.0% Sunday & Class Donations15,0007.9% Visiting Teachers15,0007.9% Tara Statue Sponsorships (5)10,5005.6% Bookstore sales (Non-Dharma Items)5,0002.6% All Other Income3,7002.0% Total Planned Income $189,200100%

5 Actual Income to date Annual Appeal72,65233.9% Annual Appeal 2013 – Received in December33,11515.4% In-kind Giving15,8117.4% General Dana – Undesignated24,61811.5% Sunday & Class Donations16,6507.8% Retreats, Special Events, Workshops, Pujas11,6925.4% Visiting Teachers13,3516.2% Tara Statue Sponsorships11,8425.5% Bookstore sales (Non-Dharma Items)3,6481.7% All Other Income11,2185.2% Total Income as of 12/31/2012 $214,597100%

6 2012 Planned Expenses Sangha & Staff (Salary, taxes, housing, travel, auto and health insurances) 104,30056.0% Utilities, Maintenance, Office Supplies, Insurance, Repairs, Retail Sale expense 23,90012.8% Mortgage (Principle & Interest)22,80012.3% Visiting Sangha expenses18,0009.7% Financial Development expenses10,0005.4% Pujas, Supplies and other spiritual program expenses7,1003.8% Total Planned Expenses $186,100100%

7 Actual Expenses to date Sangha & Staff (Salary, taxes, housing, travel, auto and health insurances) 97,83657.2% Utilities, Maintenance, Office Supplies, Insurance, Repairs, Retail Sale expense 28,71416.8% Mortgage (Principle & Interest)22,83013.3% Visiting Sangha expenses6,7734.0% Financial Development expenses5,0332.9% Committee expenses681.4% Pujas, Supplies and other Spiritual program expenses9,1895.4% Total Expenses as of 12/31/2012 $171,056100%

8 2012 Annual Appeal Results Pledge Goal was $84,000 113 donors pledged a total of $91,008 As of December 31, $72,652 has been received Thank you to all who are assuring the future of the Kadampa Center with Annual Appeal donations.



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