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ILWS Workshop 2006 on The Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earths Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects FEBRUARY 19-24, 2006 GOA, INDIA.

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Presentation on theme: "ILWS Workshop 2006 on The Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earths Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects FEBRUARY 19-24, 2006 GOA, INDIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILWS Workshop 2006 on The Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earths Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects FEBRUARY 19-24, 2006 GOA, INDIA

2 Некоторые ключевые доклады Plenary Sessions : Plenary Sessions : Chuan-Yi Tu,, KuaFu Sun-Earth system explorer project (PG3) Chuan-Yi Tu,, KuaFu Sun-Earth system explorer project (PG3) Joseph M.Davila, Barbara J. Thompson, and Nat Gopalswamy The International Heliophysical Year (PG6) Joseph M.Davila, Barbara J. Thompson, and Nat Gopalswamy The International Heliophysical Year (PG6) William Liu - Overview of the ILWS program and upcoming activities (PG1) William Liu - Overview of the ILWS program and upcoming activities (PG1) P.B. Rao - CAWSES-India (PG7) P.B. Rao - CAWSES-India (PG7) P.K. Manoharan - IHY program in India (PG8) P.K. Manoharan - IHY program in India (PG8) C. Alex Young,, - The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) (PG9) C. Alex Young,, - The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) (PG9) Judith L. Lean, - The Sun’s role in global climate change (PL1) Judith L. Lean, - The Sun’s role in global climate change (PL1) F. Hill - Recent advances in helioseismic predictors of space weather (PL9) F. Hill - Recent advances in helioseismic predictors of space weather (PL9) Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Mesosphere Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, Thermosphere and Mesosphere Hermann Lühr - The thermospheric response to geomagnetic storms Hermann Lühr - The thermospheric response to geomagnetic storms A. Boudouridis and E. Zesta - Results from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) A. Boudouridis and E. Zesta - Results from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) Nat Gopalswamy and S.Yashiro - Coronal mass ejections and space weather Nat Gopalswamy and S.Yashiro - Coronal mass ejections and space weather David F. Webb - Space weather and coronal mass ejections David F. Webb - Space weather and coronal mass ejections Operational Space Weather and Future missions Operational Space Weather and Future missions R. Zwickl - Space weather program in the US R. Zwickl - Space weather program in the US Chi Wang - Introduction to SMESE mission Chi Wang - Introduction to SMESE mission Gérard Thuillier and Jean-Yves Prado - The PICARD mission Gérard Thuillier and Jean-Yves Prado - The PICARD mission Richard G. Marsden, and team: - Solar orbiter: A mission update Richard G. Marsden, and team: - Solar orbiter: A mission update E. C. Sittler Jr., and team: - Solar probe: Close encounter with the Sun E. C. Sittler Jr., and team: - Solar probe: Close encounter with the Sun T. Neubert, and team: - The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor T. Neubert, and team: - The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor

3 Доклады по наземным геомагнитным данным Kiyohumi Yumoto and the MAGDAS group - MAGDAS project and its application for space weather Kiyohumi Yumoto and the MAGDAS group - MAGDAS project and its application for space weather C. Robert Clauer The geomagnetic storm-time response to different solar wind driving conditions C. Robert Clauer The geomagnetic storm-time response to different solar wind driving conditions Athanasios Boudouridis and Eftyhia Zesta Results from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) Athanasios Boudouridis and Eftyhia Zesta Results from the South American Meridional B-field Array (SAMBA) A. K. Sinha and R. Rajaram Effect of pressure pulse on geomagnetic field oscillations A. K. Sinha and R. Rajaram Effect of pressure pulse on geomagnetic field oscillations J. H. Sastri Effect of magnetic storms and substorms on the low- latitude ionosphere J. H. Sastri Effect of magnetic storms and substorms on the low- latitude ionosphere G. S. Lakhina On magnetospheric storms and substorms G. S. Lakhina On magnetospheric storms and substorms Yusuke Ebihara and Mei-Ching Fok Structure and dynamics of the ring current during severe magnetic storms Yusuke Ebihara and Mei-Ching Fok Structure and dynamics of the ring current during severe magnetic storms

4 Доклады сотрудников ИИГ David Anderson, Adela Anghel, Jorge Chau, Kiyohumi Yumoto and Archana Bhattacharyya - Daytime, low latitude, vertical ExB drift velocities, inferred from ground-based magnetometer observations in the Peruvian, Philippine and Indian longitude sectors under quiet and disturbed conditions [Invited] (I7) David Anderson, Adela Anghel, Jorge Chau, Kiyohumi Yumoto and Archana Bhattacharyya - Daytime, low latitude, vertical ExB drift velocities, inferred from ground-based magnetometer observations in the Peruvian, Philippine and Indian longitude sectors under quiet and disturbed conditions [Invited] (I7) A. Bhattacharyya, B. Engavale, D. Tiwari and S. Bose Effect of solar variability on transionospheric radio wave propagation in the equatorial region A. Bhattacharyya, B. Engavale, D. Tiwari and S. Bose Effect of solar variability on transionospheric radio wave propagation in the equatorial region Rashmi Rawat, Sobhana Alex and G. S. Lakhina Low latitude geomagnetic signatures following two major Solar energetic particle events at different phases of solar cycle-23 Rashmi Rawat, Sobhana Alex and G. S. Lakhina Low latitude geomagnetic signatures following two major Solar energetic particle events at different phases of solar cycle-23 B.M. Pathan, A. Dhar, A. Hanchinal and C. Selvaraj Extended period of low density solar wind - ground geomagnetic signatures B.M. Pathan, A. Dhar, A. Hanchinal and C. Selvaraj Extended period of low density solar wind - ground geomagnetic signatures

5 Доклады и обсуждения от ИЗМИРАН A.Zaitzev and V.Odintsov - Main features of the IMF sector structure during 23 circle of solar activity as its inferred from ground-based geomagnetic data (M6) A.Zaitzev and V.Odintsov - Main features of the IMF sector structure during 23 circle of solar activity as its inferred from ground-based geomagnetic data (M6) A.Zaitzev (NCAOR), - Russian Geophysical Observations in High Latitudes: Retrospects and Prospects A.Zaitzev (NCAOR), - Russian Geophysical Observations in High Latitudes: Retrospects and Prospects A.Zaitzev and team: Re-establish cooperation on the Geomagnetic Meridian GM-145 A.Zaitzev and team: Re-establish cooperation on the Geomagnetic Meridian GM-145

6 – all nordic countries, 150 points of observations – all nordic countries, 150 points of observations – detailed studies of high latitudes geomagnetic disturbances – detailed studies of high latitudes geomagnetic disturbances International Geomagnetic Meridian Project was in since 1972

7 – experience since 1972, more than 30 years – experience since 1972, more than 30 years – analog data available for period 1972-1982 – analog data available for period 1972-1982 – digital data available since 1986 to 1998 – digital data available since 1986 to 1998 – international symposiums at 1976 and 1986 – international symposiums at 1976 and 1986 Geomagnetic meridian GM-145 Cooperation Russia-Kazakhstan-India

8 High Latitude Portion of GM-145 at 1972-1998 Since 1972 there are analog recordings 20 mm/hour Since 1972 there are analog recordings 20 mm/hour Since 1985 first digital magnetometers were installed on Dixon, Bely Isl., Sabetta, Cape Kamenny, Salekhard, Since 1985 first digital magnetometers were installed on Dixon, Bely Isl., Sabetta, Cape Kamenny, Salekhard, Analog data in WDC, digital data in Internet Analog data in WDC, digital data in Internet

9 12 magnetometers, 12 magnetometers, 5 ionosondes 5 ionosondes 7 institutes : AARI, IPG, IZMIRAN, IG-Ural, Surgut Univ., Inst.Geophysics (Siberia), Inst.Ionosphere, Indian Inst.Geomagnetism 7 institutes : AARI, IPG, IZMIRAN, IG-Ural, Surgut Univ., Inst.Geophysics (Siberia), Inst.Ionosphere, Indian Inst.Geomagnetism beginning of operation – 2007 beginning of operation – 2007 base observatories : Heiss Isl., Dixon, Salekhard, Novosibirsk, Almata, Alibag, Trivandrum base observatories : Heiss Isl., Dixon, Salekhard, Novosibirsk, Almata, Alibag, Trivandrum more than 10 additional expedition points more than 10 additional expedition points Geomagnetic Meridian GM-145 as expected at 2006: Arctic Sea, Yamal Peninsula, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, India

10 Практические шаги по возобновлению работы на меридиане ГМ-145 Практические шаги по возобновлению работы на меридиане ГМ-145 1. Наладить сотрудничество между институтами России, Казахстана и Индии по координации наблюдений на ГМ-145 1. Наладить сотрудничество между институтами России, Казахстана и Индии по координации наблюдений на ГМ-145 2. Создать открытую информационную систему в сети Интернет, включающую данные сети наблюдений на ГМ-145. 2. Создать открытую информационную систему в сети Интернет, включающую данные сети наблюдений на ГМ-145. 3. Разработать программу научных исследований на основе предложений всех участников, обеспечивающих наблюдения на геомагнитном меридиане ГМ-145 от высоких широт до экватора 3. Разработать программу научных исследований на основе предложений всех участников, обеспечивающих наблюдения на геомагнитном меридиане ГМ-145 от высоких широт до экватора 4. Координация наблюдений на ГМ-145 с программами МПГ и МГГ на 2007-2010 гг., а также с новыми космическими программами типа THEMIS, SWAMP и т.п. 4. Координация наблюдений на ГМ-145 с программами МПГ и МГГ на 2007-2010 гг., а также с новыми космическими программами типа THEMIS, SWAMP и т.п.

11 Научные задачи сети наблюдений на ГМ-145 Научные задачи сети наблюдений на ГМ-145 Исследовать структуру и динамику токовых систем на уровне ионосферы и магнитосферы Исследовать структуру и динамику токовых систем на уровне ионосферы и магнитосферы Провести детальное сопоставление токов, определяемых по наземным данными и по спутниковым измерениям Провести детальное сопоставление токов, определяемых по наземным данными и по спутниковым измерениям Исследовать связь и характер возмущений в высоких широтах с возмущениями в средних и низких широтах Исследовать связь и характер возмущений в высоких широтах с возмущениями в средних и низких широтах Создать информационную базу данных по сети обсерваторий Создать информационную базу данных по сети обсерваторий ГМ-145, наладить обмен данными, разработать набор стандартных программ (инструментов) анализа данных ГМ-145, наладить обмен данными, разработать набор стандартных программ (инструментов) анализа данных разработать методику представления данных в реальном времени разработать методику представления данных в реальном времени

12 Prospects for geophysical observations: 2007-2008 and onwards IPY – 2007-2008, IPY – 2007-2008, IHY – 2007-2012, IHY – 2007-2012, eGY – 2006 – 2012, eGY – 2006 – 2012, National program for economical developments include the knowledge of geophysical conditions National program for economical developments include the knowledge of geophysical conditions Academy of Sciences and HydroMet Service responsible for continues activity in Arctic and Antarctic Academy of Sciences and HydroMet Service responsible for continues activity in Arctic and Antarctic

13 New South Pole Station will be inaugurated at 2007-2008 season

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