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Visual focus of attention (VFOA) recognizer jean-marc odobez, sileye ba daniel gatica-perez idiap research institute switzerland ami coi workshop martigny,

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Presentation on theme: "Visual focus of attention (VFOA) recognizer jean-marc odobez, sileye ba daniel gatica-perez idiap research institute switzerland ami coi workshop martigny,"— Presentation transcript:

1 visual focus of attention (VFOA) recognizer jean-marc odobez, sileye ba daniel gatica-perez idiap research institute switzerland ami coi workshop martigny, 04-05/02/08

2 2 what is the goal? recognize whom or what people are looking at → visual focus of attention (FOA)

3 3 what for? VFOA is a strong social interaction cue (empathy, social status, leadership, cohesiveness) presence in remote meetings: remote participants often cannot see what’s going on group analysis in collocated meetings: short- and long-term understanding of teams in organizations training in organizations

4 4 VFOA in meetings VFOA targets other people (A,B,C,D) slide screen (S) table (T) how to recognize VFOA? from head location and orientation not from eye gaze!

5 5 head location and orientation tracking bounding box and arrow: head tracker head orientation tracker head orientation pan tilt Pan Tilt

6 6 one-person VFOA example: person C is looking at D white square around person: indicates that this person is speaking

7 7 multi-person VFOA joint VFOA recognition example: a slide has been displayed (and C is speaking)

8 8 dominance modeling 1? dominance related to influence & leadership affects group cohesiveness and effectiveness facts from social psychology high-status people receive more visual attention people who rarely look at others are perceived as weak VFOA and speaking activity: dominant people exhibit high looking-while-speaking patterns

9 9 Q & A have you seen similar technologies before? do you have applications for this technology today? would this technology bring value to your end users? thanks!

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