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Painless obstructive jaundice - think beyond malignancy

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1 Painless obstructive jaundice - think beyond malignancy
Lorraine Ma Ruttonjee Hospital

2 Patient 56/M , Good past health , Non-smoker , non-drinker
Presented with on and off epigastric discomfort, bloating sensation for 2 weeks No abdominal pain Seen private practitioners and given antacids with no relieve Clinically jaundice, vague epigastric ?mass WCC normal Bil 102 / ALP 629 / ALT 313 / Amylase 247 ?malignant biliary obstruction - ?cholangiocarcinoma ?Ca pancreas

3 CT Arterial Portal-venous Proceeded with CT scan
Diffusely enlarged pancreas with delayed enhancement No dilated main pancreatic duct Arterial Portal-venous

4 In addition… Thickening around the aorta Dilated biliary tree

5 Diffuse marked enlargement of the pancreas with compression and marked narrowing of upper SMV and medial splenic vein Obliteration of the distal CBD with moderate dilatation of the biliary tree. Minimal rind of enhancing soft-tissue densities are also seen around the lower abdominal aorta just above IMA origin. Represent IgG4-related disease with autoimmune pancreatitis and minimal periaortitis / retroperitoneal fibrosis. It was reported that

6 Autoimmune pancreatitis
First described in 1961 Raised gammaglobin in chronic idiopathic pancreatitis Suspecting autoimmune involvement 2 distinctive forms denoted in 2003 Type 1 AIP – lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis Part of IgG4-related diseases Type 2 AIP – idiopathic duct-centric chronic pancreatitis Sarles H, et al. Chronic inflammatory sclerosing of the pancreas-An autonomous pancreatic disease? Am J Dis 1961;6:688-98 Notohara K, et al. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis with periductal lymphoplamacytic infiltration. Clinicopathologic features of 35 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:

7 Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP)
Frequently presents as painless obstructive jaundice with or without epigastric mass Mimicking malignancy biliary obstruction, specifically cancer of the pancreas Others may present as acute/ chronic pancreatitis

8 Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis
Subtype of AIP Type 1 Type 2 Synonym Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis Idiopathic duct-centric choronic pancreatitis Prevalence Asia > EU/ US EU > US > Asia Age Older Younger Sex Male >> Female Male ~ Female Symptoms - Obstructive jaundice - Abdominal pain - Pancreatic swelling Often Rare Common Serology High IgG/IgG4 AutoAb (+) Normal IgG/ IgG4 AutoAb (-) Other organ involvement Sclerosing cholangitis Sclerosing sialadenitis Retroperitoneal fibrosis Unrelated with ulcerative colitis Unrelated with other organ involvement Related with Ulcerative colits Steroid Responsive Relapse High Type 1 AIP more common than Type 2 , especially in Asia, hence I will be focusing today’s presentation on Type1 AIP Affects male yrs of age Male > Female, 3:1 in AIP vs 9:1 in other autoimmune conditions Other organ involvement like sclerosing cholangitis in AIP1, ulcerative colitis in AIP2 Kamisawa T, et al. Recent advances in autoimmune pancreatitis: type1 and type . Gut 2013;62: Kanno A, et al, and the Research Committee on Intractable Diseases of Pancreas. Nationwide epidemiological survey of autoimmune pancreatitis in Japan. In 2011 Pancreas 2015; 44: 535–39.

9 Diagnosing of AIP – type 1
Imaging Parenchymal – CT / MRI Ductal – ERCP / MRCP Serology – IgG / IgG4 Histology FNAC Core biopsy Resection Other organ involvement Response to steroids Internation Association of Pancreatology International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis Shimosegawa T, Chari ST, Frulloni L, et al. Guidelines of the International Association of Pancreatology International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis. Pancreas 2011; 40:

10 Imaging – Parenchymal - CT / MRI
Diffuse enlargement - ‘sausage-shaped’ pancreas Delayed enhancement >90% AIP Low levels of enhancement in adenocarcinomas / lymphomas (>70%) Pancreatic ‘envelope’ Hypoattenuating / hypointense capsule –like peripheral rim Proctor RD, et al. Autoimmune pancreatitis: An illustrated guide to diagnosis. Clinical Radiology 68 (2013)

11 CT Arterial Portal-venous
AIP: classical, diffuse enlargement of the pancreas on arterial(a) and portal venous-phase images (b) axial CT images showing mildly bulky pancreas with delayed enhancement. Also note the thickening of the pancreatic envelope and the paucity of peripancreatic stranding. Shows delay enhancement on venous phase Arterial Portal-venous Proctor RD, et al. Autoimmune pancreatitis: An illustrated guide to diagnosis. Clinical Radiology 68 (2013)

12 MRI (a) AIP: MRI image of the pancreas demonstrates the bulky head of the pancreas on the T1-weighted image (arrow). (b) Bulky pancreas with thickening of the pancreatic envelope on the T2-weighted image (arrow). T1 T2 Proctor RD, et al. Autoimmune pancreatitis: An illustrated guide to diagnosis. Clinical Radiology 68 (2013)

13 Imaging – Ductal – ERCP / MRCP
Long Irregular narrowing of the main pancreatic duct (MPD) Lack of upstream dilatation from narrowing Multiple strictures Side branches from narrowing MRCP preferred in the absence of symptomatic biliary obstruction that requires intervention But ERCP shows the pancreatic strictures clearer Sugumar A, Levy MJ, Kamisawa T, et al. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography criteria to diagnose autoimmune pancreatitis: an international multicentre study. Gut 2011; 60:

14 Lack upstream dilatation
Long stricture Lack upstream dilatation ERCP Multiple strictures Side branching Key features of autoimmune pancreatitis in a pancreatogram. Feature 1: long (>1/3 the length of the pancreatic duct) narrow stricture. Feature 2: lack of upstream dilatation from the stricture (<5 mm). Feature 3: multiple strictures. Feature 4: side branches arising from the stricture site. Sugumar A, Levy MJ, Kamisawa T, et al. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography criteria to diagnose autoimmune pancreatitis: an international multicentre study. Gut 2011; 60:

15 Serology – IgG4 High IgG4 levels in autoimmune pancreatitis
2001; 344:732-8 High IgG4 levels in autoimmune pancreatitis Sensitivity 95% specificity 97% Levels corresponds to disease activity

16 AIP vs pancreatic cancers (n=434)
J Gastroenterol Hepatol Jan;24(1):15-36 AIP vs control (n=1258) Sensitivity: 82.4% (P=0.078) Specificity: 94.6% (P<0.001) AIP vs pancreatic cancers (n=434) Sensitivity: 82.3% (P=0.043) Specificity: 95.4% (P=0.001)

17 ICDC recommends 2x upper normal limit as evidence for definite AIP
et al. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:1646–1653) AIP (N = 45) Pancreatic Cancer (N = 135) P Value CA 19-9 >37 9/33 (27%) 100/126 (79%) <0.001 CA 19-9 >100 3/33 (9%) 91/126 (71%) % with  total IgG 19/45 (42%) 7/135 (5%) % with serum IgG4 >140 mg/dL 34/45 (76%) 13/135 (10%) % with serum IgG4 >280 mg/dL 24/45 (53%) 2/135 (1%) ICDC recommends 2x upper normal limit as evidence for definite AIP Paper that looks at the value of IgG4 in diagnosing AIP vs Ca pancreas Not surprisingly, Ca19.9 is increased in Ca pancreas But when looking at mildly elevated IgG4 , although significantly different, there are 10% pancreatic cancer patients with this finding When the cut-off bar is raised to 280mg/dL, there are only 1% pancreatic cancer paitents

18 In the absence of histology / ductal imaging (ERP/MRP)
Typical parenchymal imaging & significantly elevated IgG4 sufficient in making diagnosis in Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis In the absence of histology / ductal imaging (ERP/MRP)

19 ?Autoimmune pancreatitis
? Pancreatic cancer ?Autoimmune pancreatitis Focal / segmengtal autoimmune pancreatitis Compromises >40% AIP

20 Histology Collection method: Findings: Ampullary biopsies
Useful in diffuse type / pancreatic head AIP EUS-guided core biopsy / FNA Focal type AIP Resection Findings: Periductal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate without granulocytic infiltration Obliterative phlebitis Storiform fibrosis Abundant (>10cells/HPF) IgG4-postives cells K Terumi. et al. Role of endoscopy in the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis and immunoglobulin G4-related sclerosing cholangitis Digestive Endoscopy 2014; 26: 627–635

21 Other organ involvement

22 IgG4-associated cholangitis
Intrapancreatic biliary strictures - resembles Ca Pancreas Proximal extrahepatic biliary strictures -mimick cholangiocarcinoma Intrahepatic strictures - similar to primary sclerosing cholangitis Multifocal strictures. Diagnosing IgG4 associated cholangitis poses difficulties as it may mimick many other coniditions like Ca pancreas – intrapancreatic biliary strictures Cholangiocarcinoma – proximal extrahepatic biliary strictures Primary sclerosing cholangitis – intrahepatic strictures Ghazale A, et al. Immunoglobulin G4-Associated Cholangitis: Clinical Profile and Response to Therapy. Gastroenterology 2008;134:

23 Treatment for AIP Steroids (Prednisolone) Induction: Maintenance
0.6mg/kg/day for 2-4 weeks initially then tapered by 5 mg every 1–2 weeks Maintenance 2.5-5mg/day for 6-12 months Withdrawal Depends on disease activity Within 3 years Kamisawa T, Okazaki K, Kawa S, et al. Research Committee for Intractable Pancreatic Disease and Japan Pancreas Society Japanese consensus guidelines for management of autoimmune pancreatitis. III. Treatment and prognosis of AIP. J Gastroenterol 2010;45:471-7.

24 Treatment of AIP Relapses Immunomodulators
Azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), and methotrexate Commonly used as maintenance but no clinical trials Rituximab (CD-20 monoclonal antibody) Usefulness still not proven Kamisawa T, et al. Japanese consensus guidelines for management of autoimmune pancreatitis. III. Treatment and prognosis of AIP. J Gastroenterol 2010;45:471-7. Kamisawa T, et al. IgG4-related diasease. Lancet 2015; 385: Stone JH , et al. IgG4-Related Disease . N Engl J Med 2012;366:

25 Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis
Back to our patient Fluctuating liver enzymes and bilirubin levels between Epigastric mass subsided No enlarged salivary glands Ca19.9 normal (18.6) , AFP/CEA also normal IgG 21g/L (upper normal limit 15.6) IgG4 1092mg/dL (upper normal limit 100) Type 1 autoimmune pancreatitis Steroid therapy

26 Take-home message Autoimmune pancreatitis as an uncommon but important differential diagnosis of painless obstructive jaundice Can be diagnosed with TYPICAL imaging findings with positive serology results Look out for other organ involvement

27 Thank you

28 Shimosegawa T, et al. International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis. Pancreas 2011; 40:

29 Kanno A, et al, and the Research Committee on Intractable Diseases of Pancreas. Nationwide epidemiological survey of autoimmune pancreatitis in Japan. In 2011 Pancreas 2015; 44: 535–39

30 Mikulicz’s disease Kamisawa T, et al. IgG4-related diasease. Lancet 2015; 385:

31 PET-CT Not as a diagnostic tool
Helps in locating other organ involvement Monitor disease progresss Ozaki et al.11 studied 15 patients with AIP and 26 patients with pancreatic cancer and stated that the maximum standardized uptake value (SUV) did not differ significantly in either the early or delayed phase between AIP (the median max SUV was 4.6 in the early phase and 5.4 in the delayed phase) and pancreatic cancer (the median max SUV was 5.3 in the early phase and 6.5 in the delayed phase).11 However, they stated that multiple foci in the pancreas were significantly more often observed in AIP (eight of 15 cases) than in pancreatic cancer (one of 19 cases). Also, hilar lymphadenopathy was significantly more frequent in patients with AIP (n K. Nakatani et al. Utility of FDG PET/CT in IgG4-related systemic disease Clinical Radiology :

32 Relapses & Prognosis Recurrence in 22.2 % patients (193/869)
55% pancreas (107) Same area 72% , different 28% Sclerosing cholangitis 14% porta hepatis 14% intrapancreatic 8% lacrimal/salivary glands inflammation 5.7% retroperitoneal fibrosis 17 of 903 patients died , only 7 (0.8%) died of pancreatic cancer Relapse During the course of observation ( [976.8] days), recurrence developed in 193 (22.2%) of 869 patients, including the pancreas in 107, sclerosing cholangitis at the porta hepatis in 27, intrapancreatic sclerosing cholangitis in 27, lacrimal glands/sialadenitis in 16, and retroperitoneal fibrosis in 11 (including overlapping cases). Of the 107 patients with recurrent swelling of the pancreas, recurrent swelling appeared in the same area in 59 (72.0%) of 82 patients and at a different site in 23 (28.0%) of 82. There were no data for 25 patients. Prognosis During the mean (SD) observation period of (1089.9) days, 17 of the 903 patients whose prognosis was provided died. The cause of death was cancer in 4 patients (pancreatic cancer in 2, lung cancer in one, and bile duct cancer in one), pneumonia in 2 patients, respiratory failure in one, and an accident in one. The cause was unknown in 2, and there were no data for 7 patients. Malignant tumors were detected in 109 (11.8%) of 923 patients. There were 21 patients with gastric cancer, 16 with colorectal cancer, 2 with lung cancer, 5 with bile duct cancer, 6 with thyroid cancer, 9 with bladder cancer, 7 with renal cell cancer, and 7 with pancreatic cancer. In 36 patients, malignant tumors were detected, but the origins of the tumors were not described (Table 6). Steroid therapy is the first-line and mainstay treatment for AIP, but relapse is frequent upon steroid withdrawal.15 In this study, more than 80% of patients were treated with steroids, and the efficacy was as high as 96.3%. Recent reports in Western countries have described the use of immunomodulatory drugs for the treatment of AIP in those for whom steroid tapering fails,16–18 but there were only 10 patients who received immunomodulatory drugs in this survey.

33 References Sarles H, et al. Chronic inflammatory sclerosing of the pancreas-An autonomous pancreatic disease? Am J Dis 1961;6:688-98 Notohara K, et al. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis with periductal lymphoplamacytic infiltration. Clinicopathologic features of 35 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27: Kamisawa T, et al. Recent advances in autoimmune pancreatitis: type1 and type . Gut 2013;62: Proctor RD, et al. Autoimmune pancreatitis: An illustrated guide to diagnosis. Clinical Radiology 68 (2013) Sugumar A, Levy MJ, Kamisawa T, et al. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography criteria to dianose autoimmune pancreatitis: an international multicentre study. Gut 2011; 60: Hamano H, et al. High serum IgG4 concentrations in patient with sclerosing pancreatitis. N Eng J Med 2001; 344:732-8 Vlachou PA, et al. IgG4-related Sclerosing Disease: Autoimmune Pancreatitis and Extrapancreatic Manifestations. RadioGraphics :5, Ghazale A, et al. Immunoglobulin G4-Associated Cholangitis: Clinical Profile and Response to Therapy. Gastroenterology 2008;134: Shimosegawa T, et al. International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis. Pancreas 2011; 40: Kamisawa T, et al. IgG4-related diasease. Lancet 2015; 385: Okazaki K, et al. Autoimmune Pancreatitis The Past, Present, and Future. Pancreas ; 44(7):

34 Rind The tough outer skin of certain fruit, especially citrus fruit:
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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