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Educate Advocate Support Retention/Recognition Award Program 14 September 2013 Tom Gwaltney Gavin “Mac” MacAloon 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Educate Advocate Support Retention/Recognition Award Program 14 September 2013 Tom Gwaltney Gavin “Mac” MacAloon 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educate Advocate Support Retention/Recognition Award Program 14 September 2013 Tom Gwaltney Gavin “Mac” MacAloon 1

2 Educate Advocate SupportBackground  In 2012 Field Council asked to consider a program to recognize chapters that successfully retain their existing members  Objective is to increase first year renewal rates and overall retention as a by-product  Requested Input from Field Council  Requested input from States/Chapters  Requested input from AFA IT Department  After database issues were resolved (ensuring we can track retention), this new program was fielded for the 2012-2013 awards year 2

3 Educate Advocate Support Renewal Series Mailings  AFA has conducted numerous experiments in mailing renewal notices to the general membership  In general AFA renewals are in line with other service connected organizations  60-70 percent overall renewal rate  First Time Renewal Rate  30-40 percent 3

4 Educate Advocate Support 2010 Retention Statistics  Are we on a downward spiral in regard to retention? Yes, the following retention numbers pulled from the 2010 AFA database:  “In general we are quite successful in retaining are membership. Slightly over 80% of those scheduled to expire renew each year, an exceptionally high average. This indicates not only the appeal the AFA has to its members but also the effectiveness of its renewal series.  There is, however one area in which renewals are significantly lower. That is in our one year, first time renewals. There the rate drops significantly -- to about 38%.” 4

5 Educate Advocate Support 2012-2013 Retention Statistics This past month we again pulled numbers from our database to determine the recently implemented “Retention/Recognition Program” award recipients. These numbers were significantly lower than in 2010. Following are the retention awards computations, by chapter size for 2012-2013: 1 st Year Retention Overall Retention Small 57.14%Small 69.84% Medium 47.37%Medium 65.09% Large 37.68%Large 58.26% Ex Large 38.21%Ex Large 58.14% > 1101 28.8% > 1101 56.95% 5 Overall Retention: 62 percent First Year Retention: 42 percent  Numbers validate AFA’s shortfall in retention

6 Educate Advocate Support Retention/Recognition Objective  Increase first year renewal rates and overall retention as a by-product.  Focus on increasing the post one year retention rate  Consider a “First Year Retention” program recognizing chapters (by size category) with highest number of first time renewals  Chapter awards to be similar to membership recruiting awards (Jack Gross), with the exception that no monetary awards will be given in 2013  The Field Council has recommend adding monetary awards beginning in 2014. A request for approval of ($5000) to support this program has been submitted 6

7 Educate Advocate Support On-Line Exit Survey  Added to the program, we developed and implemented an exit survey that non-renewing members will receive 60 days after allowing their membership to expire:  The survey is short and asks for specific feedback from the member  First mailing (September 2013)  Survey will provide knowledge regarding AFA’s decline in membership  Track results and improve retention techniques  Provide feedback to chapters on why members choose not to renew  Membership Committee to track impact on retention of members over time 7

8 Educate Advocate Support Survey Introduction “We regret to learn that you did not renew your AFA membership. In order for us to determine how to make membership more valuable to our members we are asking you to respond to a few short questions. Your answers will assist AFA to better understand differing views concerning our association, as well as being more responsive to concerns of our membership. We thank you for your past membership, and appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete the following survey”  In addition there is a “hot link” on the survey for non- renewing members to click on to renew membership 8

9 Educate Advocate SupportRecognition  Awards will be made according to chapter size: Small (20-200); Medium (201-350); Large (351-650); Extra Large (651-1100); Chapters Larger than 1,101.  The period of qualification for these awards runs from July 1 through June 30  Retention awards will make their debut at the 2013 AFA National Convention, Field Awards Dinner.  Chapters will be recognized and receive the following:  Retention award "Ribbons" to be affixed to chapter member Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition badges  Patch's for their respective chapter banner  A listing in the "Field Awards" section of the "Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition" brochure  A listing on the AFA website  Recognition in "Air Force Magazine" 9

10 Educate Advocate SupportConclusion  Membership retention challenges are being experienced by all service connected organizations; to include the Air Force Association.  In the past we only tracked new membership growth, focusing on only one-half the membership issue.  We want MEMBERS of all kinds, new, old... ALL! Retention means keeping those you already have. For AFA to enjoy growth as and organization we all need to continually work membership retention.  This should not be a once every three years focus; we must continually address our Retention! 10

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