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Psychology Modules for Active Learning Eleventh Edition Dennis Coon

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1 Psychology Modules for Active Learning Eleventh Edition Dennis Coon
John O. Mitterer The SQ4R active learning system is fully integrated throughout the text, with features such as prereading survey questions, margin notes, Learning Check exercises, Critical Thinking activities, and Study Guides to support application of the system and to help students more readily master the material. A unique opening module, "The Psychology of Studying," outlines the SQ4R active learning system while providing a personally relevant, immediately useful introduction to the study of psychology through topics such as note taking, study strategies, self-regulated learning, procrastination, test taking, and electronic research. The text encourages active student engagement through features such as Discovering Psychology exercises that promote self-exploration of key topics and Critical Thinking questions that invite students to challenge their own "common sense" assumptions as well as documented research findings. The authors relate course material to everyday life with an engaging narrative style and frequent use of familiar, relevant analogies. In addition, Human Diversity features explore social, physical, and cultural differences as a vital aspect of human experience and Psychology in Action discussions help students personally apply key concepts. In addition to content updates reflecting the latest research and current issues such as critical thinking, neuroscience, the interplay of nature/nurture, and the Internet as a social tool, the text features a new streamlined structure and organization and a more attractive contemporary design that appeals to today's student. Each module includes end-of-topic material to support fully modular instruction, while self-quizzes in every chapter feature a new "Reflect" heading for direct integration with an updated SQ4R active learning system. The modular approach also extends to a full suite of study/assessment support materials to facilitate instruction and enhance learning. The Clinical File Box features encourage reflection on the clinical applications of psychology, while Brainwaves Boxes explore neuroscience topics and highlight the role of the brain in understanding psychological phenomena. The new edition combines coverage of child/adult/life span development in a single chapter on developmental psychology; features an updated applied psychology chapter emphasizing technology, work settings, and career-related information; and adds an applied module on psychology and media, a specialty area of coauthor John Mitterer.

2 Changes to This Edition
Combines coverage of child/adult/life span development into a single chapter on developmental psychology Updated Applied Psychology Chapter - emphasizing technology, work settings, and career-related information New Applied Module on Psychology and Media - a specialty area of coauthor John Mitterer Has an enhanced focus on active processing, reflection and critical thinking Has a more developed and consistent modular format

3 SQ4R – Mastery Made Simple!
The SQ4R Method Promotes Active Learning Increases long-term retention of ideas Encourages a reflective attitude which lies at the heart of critical thinking Is reinforced throughout each chapter for optimum learning and retention Survey Question Read Recite Reflect Review Dennis Coon and John Mitterer are psychology’s leaders in using the SQ4R method - an active-learning format that makes studying psychology a rewarding experience. The steps of the SQ4R method are Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect and Review and are incorporated into the modular design. A short Introduction precedes Chapter 1 (see Introduction, Page 1) and describes study skills, including the SQ4R method, which will help students get the most out of the text as well as your course. It also explains how students can explore psychology through the Internet, electronic databases, and interactive CDs.

4 Consistent Modular Format
Entire chapters or individual modules can be assigned with equal ease. Each module begins on its own page and concludes with a point-by-point summary and a Knowledge Builder with Recite and Reflect exercises. Psychology: Modules for Active Learning was written to provide a concise, but complete, first course in psychology. It is organized in modules, which are grouped into 16 chapters, to allow flexibility in assigning topics for your course. The chapters of this text are divided into short, self-contained modules. Each module follows the same basic format which facilitates learning and instruction. Each module begins on its own page and concludes with a point-by-point summary and a Knowledge Builder with Recite and Reflect exercises. Entire chapters or individual modules can be assigned with equal ease. pp. 186- 187

5 Integrated Pedagogy Supports the SQ4R System
Survey A list of modules & survey questions provide an overview of the chapter. The beginning of each chapter includes several features that help students build cognitive maps of upcoming topics. A short vignette arouses interest, provides a preview of the main topic of the chapter, and focuses attention. Next, a list of Modules and Survey Questions provides an overview of the chapter. To help students structure their learning, the same Survey Questions appear again in the modules, where they are used to introduce major topics. The Survey Questions also appear in the Study Guide to give students a consistent framework for learning. Short vignettes preview the chapter & engage students. pg. 148

6 Question SQ4R – Clarifies Ideas Guide Questions prompt students to
look for important ideas as they read Question Guide Questions serve as advance organizers that prompt students to look for important ideas as they read. These questions also establish a dialogues in which the concerns and reactions of students are anticipated. This ongoing dialogue clarifies difficult points in a lively give-and-take between questions and responses. pp. 158- 159

7 SQ4R – Facilitates Comprehension
Read Coon and Mitterer are well known for their exceptional reading and comprehension tools for students. pg. 183 Several features aid in comprehension – Italicized terms with phonetic pronunciations, bullet summaries, a robust illustration program, summary tables, and detailed integrated and running glossaries. pg.192 pg.167

8 SQ4R - Encourages Self Discovery with Discovering Psychology Sections
Read In the Discovering Psychology sections, students make strong connections with the material through activities that they can try for themselves, encouraging self-discovery of key concepts. Discovering Psychology sections get students involved through in-text demonstrations and self-assessment exercises. These enrich the presentation and encourage students to think about the ideas they are learning. pg. 160

9 Recite SQ4R – Builds Knowledge
Knowledge Builders give students a chance to test their understanding and recall of preceding topics and to assess their progress. Each module concludes with a summary and a feature called a Knowledge builder. These “mini-study guides” challenge students to quiz themselves, relate concepts to their own experiences, and think critically about the principles they are learning. The Knowledge builders are divided into Recite and Reflect sections, mirroring the SQ4R method. Recite questions are similar in difficulty to in-class test questions and provide immediate feedback to students. The “Links” in each Knowledge Builder invite students to go beyond the text to explore chapter topics. short quiz with answers to check and enhance learning. pg. 172

10 SQ4R – Fosters Understanding
Helping students reflect on new information fosters understanding and forms lasting memories. Reflect Cognitive Psychology tells us that elaboration, the reflective processing of new information, is one of the best ways to actively foster understanding and form lasting memories. To help students reflect, each Knowledge Builder includes Critical Thinking questions that challenge students to think critically and analytically about psychology. pg. 178

11 SQ4R-Personally Relevant, Immediately Useful!
Relate Associating new concepts with personal experiences and prior knowledge aids in comprehension and retention. Self-reference makes new information more meaningful by relating it to what is already known. Relate questions encourage students to associate new concepts with personal experiences and prior knowledge. pg. 154

12 SQ4R – Makes Reviewing Easy!
Each module concludes with a bulleted summary of major ideas presented in the unit, which helps students as they progress through the modules and to prepare for a Chapter Exam. Bulleted summaries at the end of each chapter making reviewing easier and less intimidating as chapter material is broken into smaller “chunks.” pp. 153, 161, 171, 177

13 Unique “Human Diversity” sections
The authors aim to discourage stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination and intolerance. In artwork, photographs, and examples, the text portrays the rich diversity of humanity. Human Diversity highlights appear throughout the book, providing students with examples of how to be more reflective about human diversity. Human diversity boxes encourage students to reflect on similarities and differences in individual human expression. Topics highlight many current, diversity related issues. pg. 206

14 Explore Personal Applications with Psychology in Action
Found at the end of every chapter, Psychology in Action modules use high interest discussions to bridge the gap between theory and practical applications. How can I use this information? Does this mean anything to me? These sections are found at the end of every chapter and discuss ways that students can use their growing knowledge of psychology’s concepts to improve their understanding of common life issues and experiences. These modules show students how to solve practical problems and manage their own behavior. This allows them to see the benefits of adopting new ideas, and it breathes life into psychology’s concepts. pg.198

15 Capture Their Attention with Brainwaves Boxes
pg. 170 These engaging boxes help students think about how the biopsychological Perspective contributes to a better understanding of human behavior.

16 Highlight Clinical Applications with The Clinical File
pg. 191 These new boxes expose students to high interest, clinical topics – therapies, disorders, personal adjustment – that illustrate the relevance of chapter topics.

17 Support Materials that Facilitate Instruction
Annotated Instructor’s Edition Instructor’s Manual CengageNow TestBank PowerLecture with JoinIn and ExamView ExamView PowerPoint Presentations Videos ABC Videos Exclusive Research in Action Video

18 Support Materials that Enhance Learning
Print Options: StudyGuide Digital Options: CengageNow Psychology Resource Center PsykTrek 3.0 Companion Website

19 Thank you!

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