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1 Olive Leaf… Message of Peace

2 Timeless Wisdom

3 To begin … 1832 was a “bad hair year”

4 Besieged and overwhelmed Tarred and feathered One of the Murdock twins died Problems in Missouri resulted in a trip to meet with the brethren in Zion Interruptions to translating the Bible Scathing letters from Phelps & Gilbert Moved back to Kirtland Excommunication of Jesse Gause United Firm not implemented Sidney went “bonkers” for 6 months Trip to the East just before Emma was to give birth Then to top it off… on Christmas Day the Lord gave the revelation about WARS and the deaths and misery of many

5 D&C 88 This is a wonderful revelation! It covers so many things of vital importance to every member of the Church. Take it as your theme. Joseph Fielding Smith, Improvement Era, Sept. 1953, p.9

6 Letter to W.W. Phelps “I send you the ‘olive leaf’ which we have plucked from the Tree of Paradise, the Lord’s message of peace to us… “we have the satisfaction of knowing that the Lord approves of us and has accepted us.” [History of the Church, vol 1, p. 316]QUESTION? How can we receive an “Olive Leaf” from the Lord to know we are approved and accepted?

7 Names of the sanctified & “the alms of your prayers” [D&C 88:2] What are alms of our prayers? Definition = a religious rite which involves giving materially to another as an act of religious virtue. Query? What almsgiving occurs in prayer to Father?

8 Principle: ALMSGIVING

9 Names of the sanctified Blessings bestowed on us Almsgiving = gratitude ActionsGood Un-repented transgressions & sins Righteous desires (where what we want is aligned with what God wants)

10 Testators Spirit or Light of Christ Holy Ghost First Comforter Another Comforter, aka Holy Spirit of Promise Second Comforter Everyone that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God (88:47) Testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ Sins are forgiven Calling and election Jesus Christ

11 How to “see” …He is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things; And all things are by him, and of him, even God… [D&C 88:41] Mr. Abner Kneeland, who was a citizen of Boston, and who was put into prison for his belief, in an essay which he wrote, made this broad assertion: “ Instead of believing there is no God, I believe that all is God.” [Brigham Young, JD vol. 11:121] We have to learn how to “see.” That is what the Savior is teaching us in the first part of Sec. 88.

12 …that which is expedient for you…(vs.64) How do we know when something is expedient, appropriate, good, or fitting for us? We are counseled, “Ask the Father in my name, in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you will have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are expedient unto the children of men” [D&C 18:18] I have lived sufficiently long on this earth to see that some of my prayers which I concluded were not answered were answered for my best good (expedient). I am still trying to recognize a “no” answer. I am still trying to recognize and accept silent answers. [Marvin J Ashton, Know He Is There, Ensign, Feb, 1994, p 54 ]

13 …tarry ye in this place, and call a solemn assembly… [D&C 88:70] Solemn assemblies were restored in this dispensation as a part of the continuing process of the restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. (Acts 3:21) In ancient Israel, these assemblies were held in connections with feasts, sacrifices, and the dedication of Solomon’s temple. On these occasions, Israel gathered and came before the Lord in a state of ritual holiness. [See Lev. 23:26; Num. 29:35; Deut. 16:8; 2 Kings 10:20; Joel 1:14 and 2:15] From the guidance in Sec 88, we can see that solemn assemblies are held to enhance the Saint’s spirituality and to give emphasis to the importance of the assembly’s sacred purposes.

14 …tarry ye in this place, and call a solemn assembly… [D&C 88:70] “We must have all things prepared and call our solemn assembly as the Lord has commanded us, that we may be able to accomplish his great work, and it must be done in God’s own way. The house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it, according to the order of the house of God.” Teachings of JS, pg. 91 SOLEMN ASSSEMBLIES TODAY Dedication of temples Sustaining of a new prophet when his predecessor has been called home Other occasions, as directed by the Lord

15 Promise …on conditions of our obedience He has promised us great things; yea, even a visit from the heavens to honor us with His own presence. We greatly fear lest we should fail of this great honor which our Master proposes to confer upon us… (Letter to W.W. Phelps, Jan 1833)

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