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By : Juliana Guzman savanna D ESCRIPTION A Savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and insolated trees, which can be found between a tropical.

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2 By : Juliana Guzman savanna

3 D ESCRIPTION A Savanna is a rolling grassland scattered with shrubs and insolated trees, which can be found between a tropical rainforest and desert biomes. Savannas are also know as a tropical grasslands. The Savanna biome is the largest biome in southern Africa, occupying 46% of its area. savanna

4 W EATHER The climate is usually warm and temperatures range from 68 degrees to 86 degrees F. Savanna exist in areas where there is 6-8 months of a wet summer season, and 4-6 months of a dry winter season. weather

5 L OCATION Savanna are comprised mostly of grasses and a few scattered trees. They cover half the surface of Africa, large areas of Australia, South America, and India. That is a lot of the earth’s surface. earth

6 P LANTS Acacia Senegal Baobab Bermuda grass Candelabra tree Elephant grass Gum tree eucalyptus Baobab tree

7 A NIMALS African elephants Zebras Horses Giraffes Rhinoceros Earthworms Aardvark African wild cat Asian elephants Baboon Black caiman Boa bush willow giraffe

8 E XAMPLE OF A FOOD CHAIN Grass grasshopper snake


10 REFERENCES I found some pictures and information on: r/savannah.html vanna&ct Clip art Alaa

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