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Ethnical groups in the NL (Sinti and Roma esp.) European visit 194 Bratislava, May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethnical groups in the NL (Sinti and Roma esp.) European visit 194 Bratislava, May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethnical groups in the NL (Sinti and Roma esp.) European visit 194 Bratislava, May 2011

2 Whom do we talk about? Travellers- from Middle Ages onward Sinti - from early 18th century Roma- from 19th/20th century

3 Numbers No exact numbers Estimate 6000 Sinti and Roma 4000 Sinti 2000 Roma (Van Meurs, 2002)

4 Nomads - Society Distrust, Not knowing a lot about each other cultures, Different ideas on bringing up children, Different ideas about what is essential for children to learn, Participating in society and education alienates the children from their own culture.

5 Education Up to 1950 – hardly any participation in education at all, 1950 – 1980 – special schools, –main aim: school attendance, 1996 – closing down of the last special school for these groups, Every child enters the mainstream school system.


7 Education (2) 1980 - majority of Sinti + Roma only attend primary school, 2000 - 90 % are also in secondary education. –They are more likely to be transferred to special classes and special schools

8 Employment 2002 : Roma/Sinti17 % Overall rate of unemployment 5 % CEBEON (2002)

9 One of the projects

10 Nieuwegein project Aims: –Improving school attendance; –Diminishing nuisance for the environment; –Countering poverty; –Countering benefit dependency; –Reducing crime.

11 One family One plan One case manager Education is seen as an important condition to improve participation in society and creating a job prospect.

12 2007 – 2008 baseline (400 Roma) –89 pupils with low attendance –girls over 12 year of age do not attend school

13 Project Report December 2010 Nieuwegein 400 Roma inhabitants 27 families in the project 39 children (5 – 12): all in primary school 26 children (12-18): –4 regular school attendance; –22 “truants” 26 families social benefits 9 families in debt relief schemes: –5 families cooperate/4 don’t comply


15 www.european-

16 Brochures/flyers on the internet: The state of Education in The Netherlands Education at a glance 2010 The education system in The Netherlands (Eurydice) Living and working in The Netherlands A short survey of social security in The Netherlands (

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