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2 Help: 25-45

3 BE NOT AFRAID: LIVING THE RESURRECTION NOW Grace: To More Deeply Know, Love and Follow Jesus the Christ Mark 9: 2-10

4 TRANSFIGURATION So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what rising from the dead meant.


6 Get over it!

7 FAITH Jesus at Prayer—Relishing God beholding Him, believing God is always with Him no matter what— a consolation par excellence—”I am on the right track!” So you might die? Get over it!

8 Get on with it!

9 HOPE Jesus—”Don’t tell anyone until I have risen from the dead.” Now it was time to continue to act on His mission no matter what: all are included; human being is not about oppression. Go to Jerusalem—Get on with it!

10 Be open!

11 LOVE Jesus—like the ardor after a retreat X 1,000, 000. Everyone and everything was glowing and beloved; this love had to be given away, flow through body and blood to others. God’s love gives great courage to stay on course. Divine Love in the people I touched will be enough—Be open.

12 WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO RISE FROM THE DEAD? Limitless New Beginnings: Trinitarian Faith—Our creating God is faithful to me in all things—”Get over it!” Hope—I respond/risk get on with, trusting the presence of the risen Christ—”Get on with it!” Love—Be open to receiving divine compassion and mercy so that it can flow through to others—”Be open!”

13 A PRAYER FOR WHAT LASTS Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Thank you for my life. Help me to do your will.

14 EASTER FIRE "Let us pray: Father, we share in the light of your glory through your Son, the light of the world. Make this new fire holy, and inflame us with new hope. Purify our minds by this Easter celebration, and bring us one day to the feast of eternal light. We ask this through Christ our Lord."

15 EASTER FIRE Irresistible power Overcomes darkness Chase winter away Warmth/Energy Focal point, brining a community together Fertility—ashes fertilize fields Danger—consumes Source of flame for the Easter candle Christ overcoming death NEW BEGINNINGS

16 Paschal Mystery A taste for Jesus in the transfiguration What lasts: faith, hope and love

17 INVITATION Ask for the grace to more deeply know, love and follow Christ. Using Ignatian Contemplation, pray with Mark 9: 2-10 Reflection: Faith, Hope, Love Pray the Most Holy Trinity Prayer


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