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问卷设计和课题实施 Questionnaire Design and Study Implementation Shanghai China, July 4, 2015 Yawei Zhang, MD, PhD, MPH Associate Professor Yale University School.

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Presentation on theme: "问卷设计和课题实施 Questionnaire Design and Study Implementation Shanghai China, July 4, 2015 Yawei Zhang, MD, PhD, MPH Associate Professor Yale University School."— Presentation transcript:

1 问卷设计和课题实施 Questionnaire Design and Study Implementation Shanghai China, July 4, 2015 Yawei Zhang, MD, PhD, MPH Associate Professor Yale University School of Public Health

2 Brief Overview of the Research Process Research Objective, Question, Hypothesis Study Design Clinical Trial Data Collection Data Entry, Data Management Data Mining, Data Analysis and Manuscript Writing Cross-sectionalCase-control Cohort Case onlyecological

3 Brief Overview of the Research Process Research Objective, Question, Hypothesis Study Design Clinical Trial Data Collection Data Entry, Data Management Data Mining, Data Analysis and Manuscript Writing Cross-sectionalCase-control Cohort Case onlyecological

4 Data Collection Questionnaire DATA Medical Records Environmental Monitoring Data Biomarkers (Blood, Urine, Stool, Hair, Nail, Tissue)

5 Data Collection Questionnaire DATA Medical Records Environmental Monitoring Data Biomarkers (Blood, Urine, Stool, Hair, Nail, Tissue)

6 Questionnaire  A valid questionnaire measures what it claims to measure  A reliable questionnaire yield consistent results from repeated samples and different researchers over time. Differences in results come from differences between participants, not from inconsistencies in how items are understood or how different observers interpret the responses  A standardized questionnaire is one that is written and administered so all participants are asked the precisely the same questions in an identical format and responses recorded in a uniform manner.

7 Questionnaire Design OBJECTIVES Maximize the participation rate Obtain accurate relevant information WHAT TO ASK Dependent variables Independent variables Confounding variables WORDING QUESTIONS Use short and simple sentences Ask for only one piece of information at a time Avoid negatives if possible Ask precise questions Ensure those you ask have the necessary knowledge Levels of details and sensitive issues FORMATE RESPONSE Open ended Closed ended LENGTH Balance comprehensiveness with time to administer respondent fatigue costs ARRANGE QUESTIONS From general to particular From easy to difficult From factual to abstract Start with questions relevant to the main subject Good use of arrows and boxes to clarify DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL Look at other studies, gather copies of questionnaires, talk to colleagues, consult experts

8 Pilot Test of Questionnaire  Pre-test and revise as necessary  This is a dynamic, interactive, iterative process

9 Administer Questionnaire  Personal interviews – paper-and-pencil – computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI)  Telephone interviews – paper-and-pencil – computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)  Self-administered questionnaires – paper-and-pencil (in person or by mail) – computer-assisted self-interviewing (CASI) – web-based

10 Self Administered Questionnaire  Cheap and easy to administer  Preserve confidentiality  Can be completed at respondent’s convenience  Can be administered in a standard manner Interview administered Questionnaire  Allow participation by illiterate people  Allow clarification of ambiguity

11 Examples

12 A4. 去年( 2009 ),您全家都人均月收入(包括各种来源)是多少? __________( 元 )






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