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The Demographic Transition A life altering educational experience.

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Presentation on theme: "The Demographic Transition A life altering educational experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Demographic Transition A life altering educational experience.

2 The Demographic Transition is a process with several stages, explaining how a country transitions from a LDC to a MDC.

3 Stage 1 - Low Growth High CBR – have 6 kids so 3 can survive. High CDR – famine, disease, animal attacks. Low or Zero NIR Low or Zero Growth This was the stage for most of human history. From the Agricultural Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, the population did grow (5 million to 800 million), but stayed at Stage 1.


5 Stage 2 – High Growth High CBR – traditional large families, religion, poor women’s rights, etc Low CDR, it is dropping suddenly. The Industrial and Medical Revolutions contributed to this. High Growth High NIR Population grew 10 x’s faster than the past. Why? Industrial Revolution18th Century – Improved diet, transportation/preservation of foods, fresh fruits and veggies, sanitation, fresh water. Medical Revolution 20 th Century –After WWII LDCs were introduced to medicine, vaccines, and vitamins saving many lives.


7 Stage 3 – Moderate Growth Dropping CBR Slowly dropping CDR NIR is dropping slowly The country is in the process of changing from an LDC to a MDC. Why the drop in CBR? Changes in social customs – religion, women’s rights & jobs Infant survival and smaller families, not farmers anymore. World is becoming more urban/modern.

8 Stage 4 – Low Growth Low CBR Low CDR Low NIR Why do MDC’s have close to Zero Population Growth? Social Customs, women working, contraceptives, kids are expensive. Adults choose to do other things than have kids.

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