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Main Idea: Organisms have adaptations to survive in their various environments. When an ecosystem changes, some living things survive and some do not survive.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Idea: Organisms have adaptations to survive in their various environments. When an ecosystem changes, some living things survive and some do not survive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Main Idea: Organisms have adaptations to survive in their various environments. When an ecosystem changes, some living things survive and some do not survive. Unit 1 Life Science Chapter 3 Adaptations in Ecosystems Made by Jennifer Davis-Kelley Made by Jennifer Davis-Kelley Photo taken by Jessica Davis Gould… Mrs. DK’s sister

2 Lesson 2: Plant Adaptations Big Idea: How do plants respond to a stimulus in their environment? GLE 0407.5.1 Analyze physical and behavioral adaptations that enable organisms to survive in their environment.GLE 0407.5.1 Analyze physical and behavioral adaptations that enable organisms to survive in their environment. SPI 0407.5.1 Determine how a physical or behavioral adaptation can enhance the chances of survival.SPI 0407.5.1 Determine how a physical or behavioral adaptation can enhance the chances of survival. Lesson 2 Objectives Describe ways in which plants respond to their environments.Describe ways in which plants respond to their environments. Describe plant adaptations.Describe plant adaptations.

3 Guiding Question Throughout Lesson 2: How does natural selection explain how organisms have changed over time? Conceptual Strand 5 – Heredity A rich variety of complex organisms have developed in response to a continually changing environment.

4 Engage page 112 Engage page 112 In which directions do plants grow? What do plants grow toward? What do plants grow toward? Sunlight or water Most plants grow vertically or upward and downward.

5 Look and Wonder pages 112: Why would the mangrove tree need roots like these? Have you ever seen tree roots growing in air? Mangrove trees grow where no other trees can. They flourish in salt water, where the soil has little oxygen. Why should the mangrove tree need roots like these? Have you ever seen tree roots growing in air? Mangrove trees grow where no other trees can. They flourish in salt water, where the soil has little oxygen. Why should the mangrove tree need roots like these? Mangrove roots provide support in unstable soils. They allow the mangrove tree to withstand currents and storms. They grow in the air to obtain nutrients for photosynthesis because the mud that they grow in does not containenough nutrients. Mangrove roots provide support in unstable soils. They allow the mangrove tree to withstand currents and storms. They grow in the air to obtain nutrients for photosynthesis because the mud that they grow in does not contain enough nutrients.

6 How do plants respond to their environment? This week you will predict how a plant will respond if its sunlight is blocked. Your objective is to observe what happens to a plant and measure its growth over 3 – 4 days. Infer how the plant get its sunlight and how this might relate to plants on a forest floor. Explore

7 stimulus stimulus tropism tropism New Vocabulary

8 Stimulus Something in the environment that causes a living thing to respond.

9 Tropism The reaction of a plant to something in its environment.

10 Plants cannot move around the way most animals can. Yet plants respond to changes in their environment. The word stimulus refers to something that causes a living thing to react.Explain How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115

11 Explain How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115 Tropisms are the plants responses of a plant to a stimulus in its environment.

12 Explain How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115 Charles Darwin, a British scientist, did an experiment to see what causes a tropism to light. The shoot covered in foil did not bend toward the light. Darwin was able to conclude that there was something in the tip of the shoot that caused it to bend.

13 Explain How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115 Plant Physiology: Phototropic Response ( – YouTube Tropism Experiment by Cameron Wright – YouTube Third Grade Student Project

14 Evaluate How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115 Quick Check 1.Problem and Solution How could you test a plant’s response to a chemical, such as vinegar? Explain. 2.Critical Thinking How do plants respond to music? Explain how you could test this question. How will your test answer the question? Give the plant vinegar instead of water. Observe the plant over a period of time. Note any changes in its leaves, its color, and its rigidity. Test two plants in identical environments. Grow one in a musical environment and the other in silence. See which plant grows better.

15 Evaluate How do plants respond to their environments? Pages 114 - 115 What is the Main Idea of this selection? Think about these questions while you formulate the main idea. 1.Do plants respond to changes in the environment? 2.How do plants respond to light?

16 Explain What are other plant adaptations? Page 116 What are other plant adaptations? Page 116 Like animals, plants have adaptations for various environments. Grade 4 - Chapter 3 Grade 4 - Chapter 3 Science in Motion Clip

17 Adaptations to living in the desert

18 Adaptations to living in the cold Canadian Thistle

19 Adaptations to living in the rain forests

20 Adaptations to living in the water

21 Adaptations that allow plants eat animals

22 Evaluate What are other plant adaptations? Page 116 Quick Check 1.Problem and Solution How is it possible for plants to live in many different environments? 2.Critical Thinking What might happen if you brought a desert plant into a humid greenhouse? Plants have adaptations that help them to survive in their environments. The plant would probably die because it does not have the right adaptations for the new environment.

23 Evaluate What are other plant adaptations? Page 116 What is the Main Idea of this selection? Think about these questions while you formulate the main idea. 1.What adaptations do cactus plants have? 2.Why do some trees lose their leaves in the fall?

24 Lesson 2 Animated Review Online Review Lesson 2 Online Review Lesson 2

25 Anything in the environment that causes a plant to react, such as chemicals, heat, gravity, or water, is called a(n): Anything in the environment that causes a plant to react, such as chemicals, heat, gravity, or water, is called a(n): A. energy B. stimulus C. adaptation D. tropism

26 The reaction of plants to any stimulus is called a(n): The reaction of plants to any stimulus is called a(n): A. energy B. stimulus C. adaptation D. tropism

27 A trait that helps a plant survive in its environment is called a(n): A trait that helps a plant survive in its environment is called a(n): A. energy B. stimulus C. adaptation D. tropism

28 Plants cannot move, but they can ______ to stimuli. Plants cannot move, but they can ______ to stimuli. A. respond B. adapt C. move D. wish

29 Plants in a(n) __________ ecosystem have adaptations for storing water. Plants in a(n) __________ ecosystem have adaptations for storing water. A. rain forest B. cold C. desert D. mountains

30 Plant roots respond to __________, and plant stems respond to _________ sources. Plant roots respond to __________, and plant stems respond to _________ sources. A. water; water B. light, water C. light, light D. water, light

31 Plant roots also respond to the pull of _____________. Plant roots also respond to the pull of _____________. A. sunlight B. gravity C. moonlight D. tides

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