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MID-TERM Life Science.

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1 MID-TERM Life Science

2 1. Which is a step in scientific notation?
Asking questions Stating a theory Using technology Building a microscope

3 2. Which of the following differs in a group within an experiment?
A test A prediction A variable A hypothesis

4 3. Which term refers to the amount of space and object takes up?
Volume Mass Area length

5 4. The amount of matter in an object?
Volume Mass Hypothesis Theory

6 5. A possible explanation for observations?
Volume Mass Observation Theory

7 6. What are all living things made of?
a. one cell b. one or more cells c. several hundred cells d. trillions of cells

8 7. What are food, water, air and a place to live?
a. characteristics of living things b. basic needs of most living things c. examples of living things d. stimuli

9 8.What are hunger, sounds, and light?
Example of stimuli Characteristics of life Necessities of life Experiences all living things share

10 9. What is DNA? A carbohydrate A protein A lipid A nucleic acid

11 10. What is one thing all living things do?
a. They grow and develop. b. They stay the same. c. They shrink as they get older. d. They go through five stages.

12 11. Rocks, temperature, and water are what kind of things?
a. biotic b. abiotic c. population d. living

13 12. When is food a limiting factor?
a. when a population is large b. when there’s too much food c. when a population is small d. when there’s too much water

14 13. An animal that catches and eats another animal.
a. prey b. predator c. producer d. herbivore

15 14. When a beast eats plants and animals.
a. energy pyramid b. omnivore c. biosphere d. parasitism

16 15. A triangle-shaped diagram that shows how energy is lost.
a. energy pyramid b. omnivore c. biosphere d. parasitism

17 16. What do all organic molecules contain?
a. oxygen c. water b. nitrogen d. carbon

18 17. Why do living things need nitrogen?
a. to build new cells b. to get rid of wastes c. to cool them off d. to carry nutrients

19 18. Where can primary succession begin?
a. in a place with only rocks b. in a place with trees c. in a place with crops d. in a place with weeds

20 19. What plant will most likely grow first in secondary succession?
a. pine tree b. lichen c. crab grass d. hardwood tree

21 20. Which of these might be a climax species?
a. the first species in an area b. the first insects to eat lichens c. the most common weeds in a farm field d. the oldest trees in a forest

22 21. What is permafrost? a. dry desert soil b. muddy soil
c. ice on the tundra d. soil that is always frozen

23 22. Which of the following ocean animals need warm water to live?
a. whales b. barnacles c. animals on the ocean floor d. animals in coral reefs

24 23. How does a swamp differ from a marsh?
a. It has salt water. b. It has trees. c. It has many birds. d. It has very wet soil.

25 24. Which ocean temperature zone is the warmest?
a. surface zone b. thermocline c. deep zone d. littoral zone

26 25. Which of the following is NOT an intertidal area?
a. sandy beach b. coral reef c. rocky shore d. mudflat

27 26. What is an organism’s home called?
a. a habitat b. an environment c. a house d. a neighborhood

28 27. What is lost when habitats are damaged or destroyed?
a. biodiversity b. fossil fuels c. exotic species d. pollutants

29 28. What are some farmers doing to help the environment?
a. not planting crops b. practicing organic farming c. watering their crops more d. watering their crops less

30 a. more clouds b. deeper oceans c. more rain d. more flooding
29. If rising global temperatures melt the polar icecaps, what might happen to coastal areas? a. more clouds b. deeper oceans c. more rain d. more flooding

31 b. They produce less energy than gas-fueled cars.
30. How does driving electric cars rather than gas-fueled cars help the environment? a. They use more fossil fuels than gas-fueled cars. b. They produce less energy than gas-fueled cars. c. They produce less pollution than gas-fueled cars. d. They use more gasoline than gas-fueled cars.

32 31. A cell with a nucleus a. DNA b. eukaryote c. nucleus d. prokaryote

33 32. What does the Golgi complex do in a cell?
a. It packages and distributes proteins. b. It is the power source of the cell. c. It makes sugar and oxygen. d. It makes proteins.

34 33. What protects the inside of a cell from the outside world?
a. cytoplasm b. nucleus c. cell membrane d. DNA

35 34. What keeps the size of most cells very small?
a. their hard shells b. the surface area–to-volume ratio c. food and wastes d. their thin surfaces

36 35. Which phrase describes a cell?
a. is always very small b. does everything needed for life c. always looks like an egg d. is found only in plants

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